Address |
Kindertagespflege "Ola's Kuschelparadies" Ziegelstraße 35 08393 Meerane |
Funding authority |
Duschl, Viola Ziegelstraße 35 08393 Meerane | | |
03764 48622 (Frau Viola Duschl) | |
0173 9114519 (Frau Viola Duschl) | |
Opening times | 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock |
Closing days | werden immer im Herbst für das kommende Jahr den Eltern bekannt gegeben. |
Extras | flexible care |
Kindertagespflege "Ola's Kuschelparadies"
Current information
My name is Viola Duschl, I was born in 1965 and have been a qualified childminder since 1995. I am married with 5 grown up children of my own. The children are looked after in my own family home. I can take care of 3, max. 5 children. I offer loving care, education and nurturing for children aged 0-3.
How does my care work:
Each child is treated as an independent person. I give them an atmosphere of safety and security as well as space and time to develop individually. It is important for me to practise good cooperation, tolerance and non-violent conflict resolution with the children.
My advantages:
In my day care centre you will find loving and individual care for each individual child - in a small family community with flexible opening hours. For parents who work different hours, flexible childcare times can be arranged by prior arrangement. Single children can socialise with other children. We spend a lot of time together doing handicrafts, reading aloud, singing and playing and are also outdoors every day. Our small garden at the house, the proximity to the playground and the forest are ideal for this. I offer home-cooked meals and separate bedrooms. As I am included in the Meerane town council's requirements plan, the same childcare costs apply as in any other daycare centre in the town of Meerane.