Kindertageseinrichtung Rosarium

In unseren Krippengruppen werden Kinder in Gruppen mit kleiner Altersmischung betreut. In den Kindergartengruppen werden unsere Kinder in altershomogenen Gruppen betreut. In unserem Hort sind Kinder von der 1.-6. Klasse in einer Hortrgruppe.

Kindertageseinrichtung Rosarium
Am Bahnhof 5a
08393 Meerane
Funding authority
Gesellschaft zur ganzheitlichen Bildung gGmbH Sachsen
Rudolf-Breitscheid-Straße 2
08371 Glauchau
03764 2239 (Nicole Weidner)
Opening times6:00 AM - 4:30 PM o'clock
early care6:00 AM - 7:30 AM o'clock
Closing daysBrückentage vor Feiertagen,
Zw. Weihnachten und Silvester geschlossen,
ein päd. Tag pro Jahr
Foreign languages English (bilingual concept)
Specially educational concept daily routine language education, Situation orientated approach
Extras care with lunch, full day care, language education

Current information


All about us - that's us

Our kindergarten is in an idyllic location. In the immediate vicinity is the small “Rosarium” park as well as the Wilhelm-Wunderlich-Park. Our kindergarten is surrounded by a spacious garden that offers our children a variety of exercise opportunities. Our crèche children can use a separate crèche garden. We also have a pool available in summer.

In our daycare, your children will learn the English language in a playful way right from the start. Our educators are also supported by language mediators. Our goal is to encourage new languages ​​and to promote tolerance and openness.

Our children also come into contact with numbers and letters right from the start. We want to prepare your children optimally for school in order to make their subsequent transition to school as smooth as possible. For this reason we work closely with primary schools.

Our Kids enjoy- what our children love

In summer, our pool attracts children into the cool water when temperatures are hot and offers a welcome change. But our children also have plenty of space to run around and play in the rest of the garden: there is a trampoline, various climbing frames, sandpits, a swing, and a large soccer field. In addition, an experimental corner was set up together with our parents, which invites the children to try things out and play in the mud. Every lunchtime our children look forward to a delicious, freshly cooked lunch, which is prepared in our in-house kitchen. Our kitchen also prepares breakfast and an afternoon snack for us every day. This enables us to react easily to food intolerances.

Our highlights – what defines us

Annual Christmas market

Mommy, daddy days

Grandma-Grandpa days

Wednesday – learning workshop

Forest days

Children's sports/back school for preschoolers and pre-preschoolers

Sugar cone festival followed by an overnight stay for our school starters


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