Kindertageseinrichtung Evangelischer Kindergarten St. Martin

sechs altersgemischte Gruppen: zwei Kinderkrippengruppen (1 bis 3 Jahre) vier Kindergartengruppen (3 bis Schuleintritt)

Kindertageseinrichtung Evangelischer Kindergarten St. Martin
Kantstraße 1a
08393 Meerane
Funding authority
Ev.-Luth. Kirchgemeinde St. Martin
Kirchplatz 1
08393 Meerane
03764 3202 (Henrike Marosi)
Opening times6:00 AM - 5:30 PM o'clock
early care6:00 AM - 7:00 AM o'clock
late care4:30 PM - 5:30 PM o'clock
Closing daysPäd. Tag: 14.03.2025
Brückentage: 02.05.2025, 30.05.2025
Weihnachten vom 23.12.2025 bis 02.01.2026
Denomination evangelic
Specially educational concept Situation orientated approach
Extras Integrative facility, care with lunch, full day care

Current information

On Tuesday, 18. march 2025 our toddler group for parents with their children from about 6 months will take place. We will start at 3 pm. There will be time to get to know each other, to talk, to play and to meet new friends. Please register by calling: 03764-3202

Your team from Ev. Kindergarten St. Martin


"Hand in hand with each other"

Mutual consideration, help and support in mixed-age groups

This is us: Der Evangelische Kindergarten St. Martin

We are a Protestant kindergarten and open to all families and their faiths. Due to our Protestant profile, we focus on social interaction.
In the crèche area we are guided by the "developmental milestones" and in the kindergarten area we work according to the situation-oriented approach. 
Children's play is of great importance. The joy of playing is an important dimension for children to stimulate learning processes, both emotionally and socially, as well as in language and motor skills. 
We also want to strengthen democratic behavior. Decisions (for the daily routine, projects, activities, etc.) are made and implemented together with the children. This is essential for good cooperation. 
Our morning circle with all groups before breakfast has been a popular activity for years. This is intended to give the children a sense of community.




The group rooms are spread over three floors. Both crèche groups and a kindergarten group are located on the first floor. There are also two sanitary areas, the crèche groups' bedrooms and the shared checkroom for all the children in the facility, as well as a large hallway for extended free play.











On the upper floor there are three kindergarten groups, the children's workshop, two multi-purpose Montessori rooms, a sanitary area, a children's kitchen, a bedroom for all kindergarten children and again a large hallway for extended free play.














On the second floor there is a sports room and a multi-purpose room with a children's library.

Outdoor Facilities

Our outdoor area is designed so that all groups can meet here and the children can play together across groups. This means they are always in contact with each other. The facility also has three different levels here.

On the upper level is the so-called forecourt. Here the children have space to drive vehicles and play soccer, a lawn with awnings, tables and benches, as well as a sandpit.




On the middle level is the main playground. Various larger pieces of play equipment invite the children to play freely. In summer, a shower mushroom provides cooling.



















The children can playfully reach the lower level via a slope slide. Here is a smaller area that is completely covered with grass. It also has a balancing course, 3 horizontal bars and an earth trampoline. A staircase leads back to the middle area.






Our crèche garden is also located on the middle level. Depending on the age, this also invites children to play freely.

Daily Schedule

Rituals in the daily routine have an organizing and protective function. They are therefore an important part of our daily structure.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 11/03/2025 11:56:44)