Kindertageseinrichtung Buratino

9 Monate bis 4. Klasse

Kindertageseinrichtung Buratino
Oststraße 99
08393 Meerane
Funding authority
Glauchauer Berufsförderung e.V.
Bahnhofstraße 3
08371 Glauchau
Opening times6:00 AM - 5:00 PM o'clock
early care6:00 AM - 7:00 AM o'clock
late care4:30 PM - 5:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysFür das Jahr 2025:
28.03., 02.05., 30.05., 18.08., 19.08., 24.12.-31.12.
Specially educational concept livebased approach, nature education
Extras Integrative facility, Pets, care with lunch, cooperation facility, family counseling
Pets In unserer Einrichtung wohnen: Hühner, Hasen, Meerschweinchen, Achatschnecken, Stabheuschrecken, Fische

Current information

Dear parents, dear children,

Our daycare center "Buratino" is located in the eastern catchment area of the city of Meerane. A special treasure is the traffic-calmed location far away from car noise and fast-moving roads. 
The highly qualified pedagogical team works according to the life-related and nature education approach. Life-related means taking social conditions seriously, orienting oneself to the lives of the children in the family, and seeing life as a unity of past and future. Nature education is sensibly supplemented by the presence of pets and farm animals as well as by addressing the production and processing of food.

The "Kinder stärken 2.0" funding programme has been taking place since July 2023. 
The aim and content are the individual support of children from disadvantaged homes, parent work and counselling of ped. professionals in the daycare center as well as networking with helper systems installed in the families.

We look after children from nursery age to the 4th grade in age-homogeneous groups. Nearby are the Linden primary school, a retirement home, a bus stop, a small wooded area and a supermarket. A green slope, renovated residential buildings and allotment gardens surround the house. Numerous sandpits, a water and mud facility, a balancing path, climbing trees, various swings, a climbing castle, an experiment corner, petting enclosures with chickens, rabbits and guinea pigs, a football meadow and a huge pirate ship welcome the children to the spacious outdoor area and invite them to a variety of experiences. We attach great importance to a healthy and balanced diet, which is why our children receive breakfast, lunch and snacks from the central kitchen of the GBF e.V. Each group has its own raised bed, uses the communal herb bed and enjoys the fruits on our numerous fruit trees and shrubs.. We prepare delicious smoothies, herb dips, salads and our own creations. Our pets are fed and cared for by us.
In addition to the spacious outdoor area, many lovingly designed group rooms, a gym, a creative and wood workshop, a Snoezelroom, a children's kitchen, an exercise room with ball pit, a creative room, a construction and construction room, a puppet theatre room, homework rooms for the after-school children, a children's restaurant and a children's library offer space for playing and learning inside the building.

We also explore the adjacent forest and arable land, which are located on one side of the daycare center, on excursions. Whether collecting natural materials or building with sticks - there is always something to do and discover here. We explore our environment with all our senses – hearing, smelling, seeing, tasting and touching. So we like to make music and tap with sticks to the beat. We observe animals with magnifying glass and binoculars and perceive the changes in nature. 

Have we aroused their interest? For children from 6 months we offer a free and non-binding toddler group. You are also welcome to call us and make a personal appointment. 

Best regards,
Bianca Schmidt

Offered care types at Mar 27, 2025:

Kind of carecount integrated places
 Kinderbetreuung für Kinder unter 3 Jahre
0 Places
 Kinderbetreuung ab 3 Jahre bis Schuleintritt
20 Places
 Kinderbetreuung für 1. bis 4. Klasse
0 Places