Kinderhaus Maria Himmelfahrt

Wir nehmen Kinder ab 1 Jahr in unserer Kinderkrippe auf und Kinder im Alter ab 3 Jahren bis zum Schuleintritt in den Kindergarten.

Kinderhaus Maria Himmelfahrt
Thomas-Morus-Str. 3
86916 Kaufering
Funding authority
Kath. Kirchenstiftung Mariä Himmelfahrt
Dr.-Gerbl-Str. 11
86916 Kaufering
08191 9707760 (Martina Hubeny)
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysIn der Regel haben wir geschlossen:
- zwischen Weihnachten und Neujahr
- 1 Woche in den Osterferien
- 1 Woche in den Pfingstferien
- 3 Wochen in
den Sommerferien
Denomination roman catholic
Specially educational concept livebased approach, partially open concept, Situation orientated approach
Extras care with lunch, full day care
Pets 2 Kindergartengruppen haben ein Aquarium

Current information

Die Vorameldung für das Kita-Jahr 2024/25 endet am 31.03.24.

Alle bis dahin eingegangenen Anmeldungen werden bei der Platzvergabe berücksichtigt.

Später eingehende Voranmeldungen werden zunächst auf der Warteliste notiert. Falls nach der Erstvergabe der Plätze weitere Kapazitäten frei sein sollten, werden diese mit berücksichtigt.

Vergabe der Plätze: 15.04.2024 (Rücklaufzeit für die Eltern beträgt 1 Woche - danach werden eventuell noch nicht besetzte Plätze weiter vergeben) 





Welcome to the Maria Himmelfahrt children's home!

We are pleased that you are interested in our facility and would like to introduce ourselves to you and give you a little insight into our facility.

The sponsor of our children's home is the Catholic Church Foundation of the Assumption of Mary. We orientate ourselves on the Christian doctrine. Our facility consists of six groups; two nursery groups (1-3 years) and 4 kindergarten groups (3-6 years).

Insight into the educational concept

We are a Catholic kindergarten that is based on the Christian view of man. We treat the children with respect and respect. We support the child on their way to independence with the guiding principles of our work:

  • We respect and recognize your child's independent personality.
  • Play and social learning are the focus of everyday kindergarten life.
  • We create an open house with plenty of freedom of movement and freedom.
  • The promotion and training of all senses is elementary and important.
  • An open relationship with you as the parenting partner creates a positive, trusting community.
  • Maintaining contact with other institutions makes us partners in questions of education and counseling.
  • We support your child holistically through various preschool projects.
  • We strengthen self-confidence and security for the new phase of life.
  • Our team is constantly developing and is characterized by competence, professionalism and friendliness.

Hand in hand, we accompany and educate your child on this path.


Our facility has 4 kindergarten groups and 2 crèche groups.

Attached are a few photos to give you an idea

Outdoor Facilities

Our garden is very spacious.

KindergartenGarten and KrippenGarten are optically separated.


All children who are in our house longer than 1 p.m. have a warm lunch.

We get our lunch from the senior citizen monastery in Kaufering

There is either soup + main course or main course + dessert. We can choose soup or dessert, the main course is determined by the senior citizens' association. He pays attention to a balanced and child-friendly selection.


Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 22/03/2024 12:13:17)

Offered care types at Jul 27, 2024:

Kind of carecount placescount integrated places
30 Places0 Places
100 Places0 Places


We recently added a beautiful Snozzele room

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 22/03/2024 12:13:17)


Our admission criteria:

- First and foremost, our crèche children switch to kindergarten groups

- Then siblings are accepted

- Then the admission takes place according to age

We take in all children living in Kaufering, the denomination does not matter. If there are enough places, children from other communities can also be accepted. As a rule, admission takes place at the beginning of a childcare year, exceptions are possible if there are still places available during the year. Admission is initially on a trial basis, during this trial period it should be determined whether your child is suitable for visiting the facility. At the beginning of the admission there is always a settling-in period, this varies in the kindergarten and the crèche and is discussed individually with the parents. From the age of one, it is required by law that you provide us with written proof of your child's adequate vaccination against measles or immunity against measles.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 22/03/2024 12:13:17)
Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 22/03/2024 12:13:17)

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