Ev. Kinderhaus Paul und Paulinchen

12 Monate bis zur Einschulung

Ev. Kinderhaus Paul und Paulinchen
Löhestr. 3
86916 Kaufering
Funding authority
Ev.-Luth. Pauluskirche
Hans-Meier-Str. 1
86916 Kaufering
08191 6811 (Walz Katalin)
Opening times7:00 AM - 3:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysÖffnungszeiten Kindergarten:
Mo - Do 7:00 - 15:00 Uhr
Fr 7:00 - 14:30 Uhr
Öffnungszeiten Krippe
Mo - Do 7:00 - 15:00
Fr 7:00 - 14:30

ca. 30-35 Schließtage pro Kalenderjahr
Denomination evangelic
Specially educational concept daily routine language education, livebased approach, partially open concept, Situation orientated approach
Extras care with lunch, full day care

Current information


Welcome to the evangelical children's home Paul and Paulinchen!

We take children from 12 months up to school enrollment

Our house offers a total of 87 places, divided into kindergarten and crèche.

Life in a group
We mainly work in core groups (25 children), so we want to meet the natural need for security and belonging. It helps us to keep an eye on the children more specifically and to accompany their development personally. Of course, the children can visit each other in the neighboring groups or form their own play and work groups. For us, common children's house activities are of course part of the course of the year.

Snack and drinks
The children bring fruit, bread, yoghurt and the like from home. Sweets should only be packed in small quantities in the lunch bag and instead replaced with something healthy.

Mostly after the circle of chairs the children go to wash their hands and then make snacks together in their group.

Water and fruit tea (sweetened with juice) and glasses are available for the children at all times. Children are welcome to bring a drinking bottle from home and fill it here. This is particularly useful if we spontaneously decide to go to the playground, for example.

Circle of chairs, small group work
The daily times in the circle of chairs are very important to us. We use this time for many community experiences, which are often deepened later in small groups.

Festivals and Celebrations
We attach great importance to the common parties and celebrations. Be it celebrating a birthday, celebrating the annual festivals across groups, walking across the settlement with our lanterns, our big summer festival or or ... - our goal is always to convey something to the children about the meaning of the festival on an emotional level and experience the joy of planning and celebrating with them.


Each kindergarten group has a group room with approx. 50 square meters, in which various functional areas, such as building corner, doll's corner, painting table, etc. are integrated. There is a small kitchenette in each group. There are also glasses and drinks (water and tea) available for the children. Each group also has a gallery (approx. 25 square meters), which the children can also use.

Two groups are connected to each other by an adjoining room (nest and aquarium with approx. 17 square meters). These rooms are mainly used for small group work. They also offer the children the opportunity to play with each other or listen to music in a quieter atmosphere.

The spaces that connect the galleries are also used for small group work.

Here, for example, we find a room whose material is specially designed for the needs of preschool children.

The cloakrooms (each about 12 square meters) and the hall are used by small groups as a play area - the ball pit is a special highlight here.

The gym with around 60 square meters invites you to do gymnastics and romp - but we also often meet here for joint activities, e.g. singing, thanksgiving, etc.

We also have a large garden with various play options such as a sandpit, climbing frame, slide, bird's nest swing and enough space to drive vehicles.

The crèche area includes a dining room, to which the cloakroom is connected (approx. 40 square meters), a lovingly furnished group room with approx. 40 square meters, a material room (approx. 11 square meters), an office, a bedroom (approx. 20 square meters) and a children's bathroom with a changing table (approx. 10sqm).

The crèche children have their own small garden with play equipment according to their age. Vehicles such as tricycles, etc. are also accommodated in the stroller room.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 20/02/2024 09:49:33)