AWO Kauferinger Sonnenkäfer

In unserer AWO-Kindertagesstätte Kauferinger Sonnenkäfer betreuen wir Kinder im Alter von 2 bis 12 Jahren innerhalb einer Gruppe. Wir leben Altersmischung in geschwisterähnlichem Verhältnis.

AWO Kauferinger Sonnenkäfer
Lechfeldstr. 40
86916 Kaufering
Funding authority
AWO Bezirksverband Oberbayern
Edelsbergstr. 10
80686 München
08191 966471 (Katja Kouknakis)
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysSchließzeiten für 2022

03.01.-05.01.2022 Neujahr
07.01.2022 Teamtag
28.02.2022 Team-Fortbildung
27.05.2022 Beriebsausflug
17.06.2022 Brückentag
16.08.-02.09.2022 Sommerferien
05.09.2022 Planungstag für 2022/2023
31.10.2022 Konzeptionstag
27.12.-30.12.2022 Weihnachten
Specially educational concept open concept, Situation orientated approach
Extras care with lunch, cooperation facility, full day care


Welcome to the AWO day care center Kauferinger Sonnenkäfer

In our AWO day care center Kauferinger Sonnenkäfer, we look after children between the ages of 2 and 12 within a group. We live a mixture of ages in a sibling-like relationship. The children who start school do not leave us, but continue to come to us every day after school has finished.

That is why it is particularly favorable that our facility is structurally integrated in the school building. Our children experience school right from the start, i.e. from the age of 2.

We “live” near the river Lech, whose surroundings with its meadows and forests we often visit to explore nature.

And we live near the company HILTI, with which we have a cooperation. This means that Hilti reserves fixed daycare places for its employees with us. The number of places is renegotiated every year. These places may then only be given to Hilti employees' children.

Have a look at us!


Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/03/2025 02:09:36)