Krippenhaus March

In unserem Haus werden Kinder von 12 bis 36 Monaten betreut. Bringzeit: 7-9 Uhr Abholzeit: VÖ: 13:30-14:00 Uhr; GT: ab 14:15 Uhr. Der GT schließt Freitags um 14 Uhr. Bei uns gibt es ein warmes Mittagessen für alle Kinder. (Mischkost (ohne Schwein), Vegetarisch)

Krippenhaus March
Sportplatzstrasse 11A
79232 March
Funding authority
Gemeinde March
Am Felsenkeller 2 + 4
79232 March
076659422609 (Frau Bier (Leitung))
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:30 PM o'clock
Closing days2025: KW24; KW34-36; KW52; KW1; Rosenmontag; 02.05.;
Foreign languages German, English
Specially educational concept child oriented education, daily routine language education, inclusion, partially open concept, Situation orientated approach
Extras Barrier-free, Integrative facility, care with lunch, full day care

Current information





For us, the little ones are the BIGGEST!

Our institution was founded in september 2018. We are on our journey to develop our model, our concept and our standards. Also out team needs to come together. Aware of all those exciting challenges, we never forget the most important: the children, we take care of!

We gladly say welcome to you and your children on our fascinating journey in this new "house".


Under construction

Outdoor Facilities

Green gras is inviting our crawlers to first walking attempts. Trunks challenges our large ones to balance. Digging in the sand an hiding in the playhouse - that like all! Our gravel place is truly a treasure trove. Who is finding the most beautiful stone? No one? Then we simply put them in our mud kitchen into the soup.

Our location in the middle of greenery enables us to extensive walkings, meadow exploration and playground visitations. Or rather the first try of playing soccer on the football field or driving cars?

Daily Schedule

A day structure gives children safety and rituals. But, it is not a low, it's flexible to adapt the daily needs of the children. Our institution opens at 7:00 am with our "Frühgruppe". There are the children with 2-3 paedagogic professionals until their own group opens: Mondschein, Sonnenschein, Sternschnuppe and Regenbogen.
The time for bringing ends at 9:00 am.

The day starts with breakfast or morning circle after the free play at bringing time. The order may differ in the groups. After starts a second free play time, in which the children can use our group rooms, studio, hallway or our yard. Also, we like to take use of our location and take a walk or two or do nature exploration.

From 11:30 am to 12:15 pm is the lunch time. Sleeping time starts after 12:45 pm. All kids who get picked up at 13:45 pm will be waken, the others can sleep through.

Of course all children can sleep at every time, if they need it.

At 14:00 pm starts the afternoon care. In this time Regenbogen- or Sternschnuppengruppe are open for the children. The pick up time at afternoon is flexible. We close at 16:30 pm.


Meals are experience spaces. How does it taste? How does it feel - on hands, tongue, mouth? How does it look? Am I able to pour alone? Am I able to eat with a spoon? What happens if I drop something down the table? Can a fork cut a banana?

Meals are social spaces. What are the others eating? How do they eat? Do I know the rituals and table roules? And are they the same as home? Whats the subject of our talking? What do I tell? What does it feel like, to eat in a community?

Meals are rituals, who give savety to the kids in there daily routine.

And not to forget: Meals are tasty!

The breakfast (Vesper) are take away from home. For lunch we are happy to have a menue from our local caterer "Thoma" from Teningen-Nimburg ( Daily we can enjoy a main dish with vegetables or salad and a dessert.

You can find the current meal plan in our house at "Elterninfos"

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 26/03/2025 09:10:39)