Waldorf-Kindergarten Marburg

Krippe von 6 Monaten bis 3 Jahre; Kindergarten von 3 Jahren bis zum Schuleintritt

Waldorf-Kindergarten Marburg
Ockershäuser Allee 14
35037 Marburg
Funding authority
Verein für Waldorfpädagogik e.V.
Ockershäuser Allee 14
35037 Marburg
06421 1653820 (Büro Kindergarten)
01575 2445913 (Sonja Kastaun)
Opening times7:15 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysDie Schließtage orientieren sich an den Schulferien. Sie umfassen etwa 30 Tage im Jahr.
Foreign languages German, English
Specially educational concept Waldorf education
Extras care with lunch, full day care

Current information

If you have any questions about our institution in general or your specific registration, you can contact us at 01575 - 2445913. As an experiment, we set up the time slots on Mondays between 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. and on Thursdays between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m.


Our Marburg Waldorf Kindergarten opened on January 31, 1948 with 30 children. Since then, it has expanded and now houses four kindergarten groups and two crèche groups. Our educational concept seeks to create developmental spaces for small children in which parents and educators work together to create a common foundation. Rudolf Steiner's philosphy, upon which our work is based, focuses on the life needs of children to create self-actualization opportunities.

The Waldorf Kindergarten and Waldorf School are sponsored by the Association for Waldorf Education Marburg e.V. Since we receive lower grants as a private agency, additional club fees apply in our kindergarten and school.  For information on our tuition fees and the costs of food, etc. please inquire in the introductory meeting.


Each group has their own group room, each of which are lovingly designed and filled with a variety of simple, all-natural play materials.

Outdoor Facilities

We are outside in all weathers. Our garden has an abundant variety of spaces to promote the development of sensory motor skills.

Daily Schedule

The daily rituals in our mixed-age groups are characterized by clear rhythms associated with the day, week, season and festivals of the year. These weekly rhythms can be found in recurring activities such as eurythmy, watercolor painting, beeswax kneading and puppet shows.

We place a strong emphasis on the seasons and their festivals.


Nutritious breakfasts are served every weekday. It's important to us that each group eats together in a cozy, quiet atmosphere.

Fresh lunches are prepared in our school kitchen.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 11/03/2024 17:49:19)