Universitäts-Kindertagesstätte Am Schwanhof (Krippenplätze für Studierende und Unibedienstete)

6 - 35 Monate

Universitäts-Kindertagesstätte Am Schwanhof (Krippenplätze für Studierende und Unibedienstete)
Am Schwanhof 66
35037 Marburg
Funding authority
Studentenwerk Marburg
Erlenring 5
35037 Marburg
06421 296230 06421 2864453 (Frau Grau)
06421 2864388 (Frau Grau)
Opening times7:30 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysbis zu 25 Tage im Jahr, diese werden nach Beginn des neuen Kindergartenjahres für das kommende veröffentlicht. Schließzeiten berücksichtigen die hessischen Ferien, sowie die Semesterzeiten der Philipps- Universität. Im Detail werden Eltern per Aushang informiert
Foreign languages German, English
Specially educational concept child oriented education, inclusion, intercultural education, partially open concept, Situation approach, Situation orientated approach
Extras Barrier-free, care with lunch, full day care

Current information


tudying with a child

In the sponsorship of two day-care centers for children, the Studierendenwerk provides the necessary infrastructure as part of reliable all-day care for children under the age of three, which is indispensable for the compatibility of family, studies and work.

When registering, please note that we only give day care places to students and university staff at Philipps-University

As a cooperation partner of the Philipps University, we support the students of the Philipps University as a competent service company close to the university with a social mandate and make a significant contribution to the implementation of equal opportunities, promotion and support of families. Our care offer should enable a degree or a scientific training with a child without further interruptions, because students with children are often in constant conflict between study requirements and the care needs of their child. Due to the multiple burden of studying, having children and, in some cases, employment, student parents in particular need the framework of reliable all-day care that is also available.





The rooms are distributed at ground level and barrier-free: five group and relaxation rooms with their own changing and sanitary areas and a movement turf with separate access to the garden as well as a spacious hallway offer plenty of space and play facilities in the all-day facility. Sufficient pesonal and parents' room, a cooking kitchen and a management office are also available. A storage room for the parents' strollers can be found in the outbuilding.

Outdoor Facilities

The Uni- Kita Am Schwanhof 66 has a spacious outdoor area that can be reached from each of the group rooms on the ground floor with its own garden access. The large garden with sandpits, swings, a slide, a pirate ship and much more surround the building, which was newly constructed in 2014. The music school, theater and good connections to well-developed footpaths along the Lahn are very close by. The garden is available to the children as a safe space to experience and supports the children's natural urge to move and enables a variety of exercise experiences.

Daily Schedule

The daily routine is structured in order to give the children orientation points and to convey security through repetitive activities and processes.

8.00 a.m. The first children meet                                                                                                                                            8.15 a.m. The early shift children are picked up by their respective group supervisors and accompanied to their groups        All parents should have brought their children and said goodbye by 9.00 a.m. so that the groups in the house can pursue the free play or guided activities and activities outside.                                                                                                       10.30 a.m. Lunch followed by brushing your teeth.                                                                                                                     11.45 a.m.-1.45 p.m. after singing a song or looking at a book the children lie down to sleep together under the supervision of a educator.                                                                                                                                                                              Children occupying a 2 p.m. childcareplaces  must be picked up at  2p.m.                                                                                2.30 p.m. afternoon snack together  afterwards at 3 p.m. children can be picked up                                                          from 3:30 p.m. groups are merged and the children get through takes care of our late shifts. During this time the children often play in the house or in the daycare garden if the weather permits.                                                                                    A daycare day ends at 4.00 p.m.


The food of the children is prepared by the daycare kitchen team in the kitchen of the Uni-Kita Am Schwanhof according to a balanced nutrition plan, fresh and small every day and according to their needs (no pronounced baby food). A notice for lunch and afternoon meals informs parents about food and allergens.

In agreement with the parents there is the possibility of a vegetarian diet, food allergies and special features will be taken into account as far as possible.

The children eat meals together in their respective group rooms.

In the mornings, the children have fruit and unsweetened drinks such as water and tea available at any time.


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