Kinderkrippe Baderhaus (teilweise Betriebsplätze der Fa. Siemens)

Wir bieten Plätze für Kinder von sechs Monaten bis drei Jahren.

Kinderkrippe Baderhaus (teilweise Betriebsplätze der Fa. Siemens)
Rotenberg 58
35037 Marburg
Funding authority
Marburger Eltern-Kind-Verein e.V.
Rudolf-Bultmann-Straße 2
35039 Marburg
06421 - 6907296 / 6907297 (Leitung Antje Smit)
Opening times7:00 AM - 5:00 PM o'clock
late care4:30 PM - 5:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysUnsere Einrichtung hat in den hessischen Ferien insgesamt fünf Wochen geschlossen. Die genauen Termine werden den Eltern rechtzeitig mitgeteilt.
Foreign languages German
Specially educational concept livebased approach, partially open concept, project approach, Situation orientated approach
Extras care with lunch, company Kindergarten, full day care, parents association

Current information

The "Krippe Baderhaus" is delighted to open its doors to all interested parents, grandparents, relatives and friends at regular intervals. 

On the following days there will be an "OPEN HOUSE" in the "Krippe Baderhaus" 2025, to which we cordially invite you: 

Tuesday, 18.02.2025 at 4 p.m.

Tuesday, the 27.05.2025 at 4 p.m.

Tuesday, 23.09.2025 at 4 p.m.

Tuesday, 02.12.2025 at 4 p.m.

We start with a guided tour of the facility at 4.00 pm. Afterwards, you will have the opportunity to ask all your questions. (punctuality is requested).






Our daycare „Krippe Baderhaus“ opened in 2016 and offers places for 20 children aged between six months and three years – separated into two groups: the „Frechdachse“ and the „Bergwichtel“.

We are open monday to friday from 7.00 a.m. until 5 p.m. In the time interval of 7.00 to 7.30 a.m. maximal ten day care places are available.

We are located on the „Rotenberg“, at the northwestern edge of Marbach, approximately two kilometers away from the city centre.

Using public transport you can reach us at a walking distance from the bus stop Marbach-Kreutzacker (route 5, approximately 700m) or from the stop Elisabethenhof (route 20).

12-15 places are reserved for personnel at Siemens Healthcare Diagnostic Products GmbH. (The Siemens staff department can give you contact details of the person responsible for allocating those places.)

All interested families who live in Marburg can apply for the remaining places. 



We are lodged in an “old art nouveau mansion” and we are located at the area of the “Elisabethenhof”. The special conditions of this house could not be changed, so we had to incorporate the premises at our basic ideas and pedagogical organization of our daily routine and adapt them.

Downstairs you will find the two “group rooms”, which are arranged with care, creatively but also functionally, in order that your child can play and frolic around well protected, but also can find possibilities to retire to a place more quiet.

We want to offer your child a family-like atmosphere – wherever possible. In this context each group room is equipped with a little kitchen unit.

This makes it possible for the children to help the “early years educators” with activities of daily life, for example with setting the table or loading the dishwasher. Additionally the kitchen unit can be used to bake, cook or experiment.

Both group rooms are separated only by a door, which makes it easy for the children and the teams from both groups to work together when it is left open.

In this way it is possible for your child to get to know everybody at the “Krippe  Baderhaus” and decide independently and with self-efficacy, where and with whom they want to play, who shall read a book to them, who is allowed to give them a little bit of rest or closeness and who might comfort them.

(Because of the regulations concerning the corona pandemic mixing of children or personnel from two groups is not allowed. But as soon as this is allowed again, we will implement those ideas of “open work” again.)

Because of the young age of the children we care for, they also have the need for security, parameters and possibilities for withdrawal beside all the openness, flexibility and participation. This can be offered very easily by just closing the door. So the groups may work in a calmer atmosphere.

As already described in the article “daily routine” the team will always decide according to the well-being of the children and their individual needs, if they will work “open” or “closed” at that day. We always try to reach a suitable ratio between flexibility plus the possibility for the children to explore their environment independently and the offer of a daily routine, security and quietness in well-known, familiar surroundings.

On each floor of the Baderhaus you can find a “children`s bathroom” with facilities for washing and nappy changing and likewise small toilets, which enable us to offer the children the option to choose between having their nappy changed and using the toilet.

Upstairs there are two individually arranged “sleeping rooms”, which ensure that each child can have a peaceful after-lunch nap – respective the specific needs and preferences.

Upstairs you`ll also find our “Aufwachraum”. After the naps this room will be used for the children to get fully awake in a peaceful atmosphere. They can cuddle with each other or with the early childhood ecucators, enjoy the closeness of the familiar caregiver or play with quiet toys or books.

The stairs between the two floors must be overcome many times each day. This is very helpful and can contribute to learning naturally how to climb the stairs. In this way the motoric skills of your child will be promoted playfully and easily.

Each room in the “Krippe Baderhaus”, that is used by the children, is designed for exploring, moving and relaxing.

Our aim in designing the rooms the way we have, is to offer your child possibilities for social interacting and to daily motivate them to discover new things and try them out.

Outdoor Facilities

Outdoor area

Our outdoor area invites each child to run free, to cavort and to dash around with suitable wheelers. We have a sandbox and a mud pit, to offer the children a variety of sensory experiences – e.g. digging, playing in the mud and experiencing the sand with all their senses.

A “willow tent” for hiding, a slide and a modeled grassy landscape round out the outdoor area. For your children they offer additional motoric challenges in a really playful way, e.g. training of balance and coordination.



Daily Schedule

Daily routine

Our daily schedule has a suitable ratio between flexibility and variety as well as routine. Its aim is to give maximum support to you as parents as well as to your child in your individual needs, but also to provide you and them with security and support through fixed parameters and keypoints.

Fixed times for eating and sleeping, a structured daily routine and the recurrent “celebration” of seasons and festivities, are conducive to your child`s well-being and accommodate their need for safety, routine and rites.

You will get to know the details of our daily routine before your child starts at our daycare in a talk prior to your child`s admission (“Aufnahmegespräch”).




We offer your child (– at our “Krippe Baderhaus” – ) a daily full board, which includes breakfast, lunch, an afternoon snack as well as all the beverages.

The daily lunch is prepared and freshly cooked at our “Kinderhaus Froschkönig” which is nearby and is delivered to the Baderhaus. (All the other foodstuff is delivered to the Baderhaus, too.)

Our kitchen cooks according to the guidelines of the „Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ernährung (DGE) (German Nutrition Society). In order to additionally maintain the high qualitative standards of healthy nutrition, our kitchen staff has been certified as “Genussbotschafterinnen”  (pleasure ambassadors) by the “Sarah-Wiener-Stiftung” (Sarah-Wiener-Foundation) after appropriate further training. They regularly participate in the “Arbeitskreis Köch*innen in Marburg” (working group of cooks in Marburg). In addition, in cooperation with the “Arbeitskreis Jugendzahlpflege (AKJ) Marburg-Biedenkopf” (Youth Dental Care Working Group) and the “Marburger Mini Modell" (Marburg Mini Model) we follow the guidelines of the “Zuckerfreien Vormittag" (Sugar-Free Morning) and implement it in our institution.

We obtain most of our food from organic suppliers, always making sure that the goods are purchased regionally as well as seasonally. By using a wide variety of spices and herbs, the children are offered the greatest possible variety of tastes. The use of salt and sugar is kept to a minimum.






Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 13/12/2024 12:32:43)