Kindertagesstätte Schröck

3-6 Jahre

Kindertagesstätte Schröck
Am Schwarzen Born 5
35043 Marburg
Funding authority
Stadt Marburg (Kitas)
Gerhard-Jahn-Platz 1
35037 Marburg
06424-2619 (Kerstin Hoffbauer-Krecik)
Opening times7:00 AM - 5:00 PM o'clock
late care4:30 PM - 5:00 PM o'clock
Closing days15 Tage im Sommer,
3-5 Tage zwischen den Jahren,
2 Tage Teamfortbildung,
1 Brückentag
Foreign languages English, Russian
Specially educational concept nature education, open work, Situation approach
Extras Barrier-free, care with lunch, flexible care, full day care, scientific orientation (e.g. KidsgoMINT)


You can find our kindergarten in the village of Schröck near Marburg. It is right in the middle of fields and meadows and there even is forest nearby. We also have a garden outside the house where we do gardening with the children and their parents, growing vegetables and fruits. Once in four weeks we do a nature-week, then we go off the kindergarten's premises to explore.

For us, being in and surrounded by nature is very important for the children's development, they need to get the opportunities to experience nature and get practical or holistic experiences.

The team consists of eight professionals and one apprentice (Erzieher*in im Anerkennungsjahr). We care for up to 60 children from 7:00-17:00 in three mixed-age groups. We work according to the situational approach in open work with and in functional rooms.


We work with an open-room concept. The functional rooms set up for this purpose offer the children various forms of activity, movement or play.

The children eat their breakfast and lunch in the Restaurant. In addition, there are regular activities offered by the educators or the kitchen help, where children can cut, cook or taste. In the restaurant there is also a book corner (Lese-Ecke), which is also a waiting area for children waiting for a free seat the one they desire.

There is a room (called Werkstatt) for creative design, a construction room (Bauraum), a room to play and run around (Bewegungsraum), a room for role-playing (Rollenspielraum). The bathroom and the hallway can also be used as a place for learning and experimentation.

The outdoor area is divided into three parts: Yard, rondel with monkey bars and garden, with many opportunities to move and occupy themselves. Behind the garden for playing there is also a kitchen garden, which is cultivated cooperatively by children, parents and educators.

Outdoor Facilities

For optimal development, it is very important for children to always have the opportunity to move, explore, feel and learn in and about nature.

Our outdoor area is very large and offers various play and movement opportunities:  The children can climb, swing, dig in the sand and soil box, drive with different vehicles play with water (in all seasons), slide, build, run, jump, balance and much more.

It is important to us that children can go outside at any time of the day and in any weather, for this reason our outdoor area is always open from 9.30 am annd supervised by educators.

Our kitchen garden also appeals to the children. There is always something to do here, such as digging, sowing, weeding, watering flowers, observing insects and much more.

Daily Schedule

From seven o'clock, one of the rooms and the restaurant are open. With each additional educator, another room opens.

At nine o'clock, there is a morning gathering for the different groups with their educators. They sing, play games or celebrate birthdays together. Important topics concerning the children or the season are also taken up and deepened.

Afterwards, the children are free to play until they are picked up. In addition, there are also specific activities that the children can use voluntarily:

- At 1:00 p.m. there is the opportunity to rest. Here the children can listen to stories, read or told by the specialists, or radio plays in a quiet, relaxed atmosphere.

- Once a week there is choir, where the children who want to paricipate can sing and make music. In addition, there is a cooperation with the music school Kunterbunt, which offers regular activities.

- The garden is cultivated by parents and/or educaters and the children, so work is done here regularly.

Breakfast is served from 7:00-11:00 a.m., and lunch is served from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. At 2:30 p.m., full-day children can eat a snack.


The children bring their own sugar-free breakfast. For birthdays or other seasonal celebrations, there may also be a sweet breakfast.
Lunch is freshly prepared by the cook. We prefer regional and seasonal as well as biological foods. We make sure that it is balanced and varied and that the children are also offered varieties of vegetables, fruits and dishes that are unfamiliar to them. We also use herbs, vegetables and fresh fruits from our own kitchen garden.
If we are informed about allergies and food intolerances, this is taken into account in the preparation. We also take into consideration children who abstain from certain foods (e.g. meat in general, pork, etc.) due to religious or other convictions.
We try to instill a certain openness in the children by encouraging them to try, but also by being a role model ourselves and giving certain foods a chance.
There is always an educator in this room. In the restaurant there is a small cooking corner, where the children can prepare their own small meals, bake or cut something. There is a small terrace outside, where they can eat, too.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/03/2025 09:33:44)