Kindertagesstätte Gisselberg


3 - 6 Jahre (Schuleintritt)

Kindertagesstätte Gisselberg
Zur Fasanerie 6
35043 Marburg
Funding authority
Stadt Marburg (Kitas)
Gerhard-Jahn-Platz 1
35037 Marburg
06421/7463 (Frau Kerstin Krahn)
Opening times7:30 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Closing days3 Wochen im Sommer, zzgl. 10 Tagen (Fortbildung, Brückentag, zwischen Weihnachten und Silvester, Betriebsausflug)
Foreign languages German, English
Specially educational concept Situation approach
Extras care with lunch, full day care


The day care centre run by the University City of Marburg is located in the district of Gisselberg.

Our facility is housed in the building of the former primary schools together with the community centre and the office of the town council. 

The day care centre benefits from the adjacent location to the wooded areas in the direction of Niederweimar and the city forest.

We are a single-group facility with a total of 25 childcare places for children aged 3 - 6 years.

The group is called the Penguin Group.


The children have a large group room with various functional corners at their disposal, which can be divided into two smaller rooms if necessary.

The day care centre also has a kitchen, a washroom, an office and a hallway that is used for play.

The rooms of the community centre can be used at certain times for movement activities and rest periods.

Outdoor Facilities

The day care centre has a playable courtyard, a lawn with various play and climbing equipment, seating, a large sandbox with a sunshade and two raised beds.

Furthermore, there is a shed for the sand toys and a storage room for the vehicles.

Daily Schedule

  • 07.30 - 09.00          Bring time
    08.00 - 12.00          Core time for free play, breakfast, activities, projects and joint activities. Time in the outdoor area or for walks.
    12.00                     1st pick-up time
    12.15 - 13.00          Lunch in two small groups followed by brushing of teeth.
    13.15 - 14.30          Lunch time for the 3 year old children
    14.00                      2nd pick-up time
    13.15 - 15.45          Free play, activities, time in the outdoor area.
    3.45 - 4.00 p.m.      3rd pick-up time / end of day care.


It is important to us that all children have a snack at home in the morning.

In the nursery, there is then the possibility to have a healthy breakfast (bread, vegetables, fruit...) until 10.00 am. Drinks (unsweetened tea and tap water) are provided by us and are freely available to the children throughout the day.

We obtain our lunch mainly in organic quality, pre-cooked and deep-frozen, from the company Hofmann-Menue.

You can see the current weekly meal plan on the pin board in the entrance area.

This is then prepared by our kitchen staff and, if required, supplemented with raw vegetables, salad, fruit or dessert.

We offer the children a balanced diet according to the guidelines of the German Nutrition Society.

Should your child require a different form of nutrition for health, religious or ethical reasons, please contact us.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/07/2024 05:52:10)

Offered care types at Jul 27, 2024:

Kind of care
 Kindergarten mit Mittagessen
 Kindergarten ohne Mittagessen


Our daily work is based on the situational approach and needs-oriented work.

We are guided by the Hessian Education and Upbringing Plan in order to accept, appropriately accompany and support each child in his or her individual learning requirements, personality and stage of development.


At the Gisselberg day care centre, there are currently four part-time educational specialists working alongside the director.

As a rule, the group is staffed alternately by two professionals.

The staff also includes a kitchen assistant and a cleaner.


The pedagogical staff are state-approved educators or have a university degree in social pedagogy.

In addition to many pedagogical advanced and further training courses, individual educators have additional qualifications as early intervention specialists in the field of curative education and certification in the Hessian KISS (child language screening).

Additional Offerings

For many years, our educational offers have been enriched by a reading mentor once a week.

Quality Assurance

Observations and learning successes of the children are regularly documented by the educational staff and used for the work with the children and as a basis for discussions with parents.


If necessary, we cooperate with educational counselling centres, therapists, early intervention centres and paediatricians.

Regular cooperation takes place with the youth traffic school, the sponsor dentist's office and the responsible primary school.

Teamwork with school

We mainly work together with the responsible primary school Sophie-von-Brabant-Schule, Marburg.

It is important to us to shape the transition from the day care centre to the primary school together.

This includes, for example, an exchange with the future teachers about the future pupils, establishing contact through the school mentors or a joint visit to the school with a taster lesson in the classroom.

Teamwork with parents

It is important to us to live a trusting and cooperative partnership for the benefit of the child and the institution.

In order to expand our educational programme, we are open to parents who would like to contribute their knowledge and skills in the form of projects and activities. You are also welcome to support us in the planning and implementation of festivities and excursions, for example.

We cultivate exchange in the context of development discussions and are available for a brief exchange of information during drop-off and pick-up time.

It is also possible for parents to observe the child's development.

We provide information about the pedagogical and thematic content of our work in the form of letters and e-mails to parents, at parents' evenings and at parents' council meetings.

If necessary, and with the parents' consent, we establish contact with various institutions which offer, for example, supplementary family advice and support.

All matters of cooperation are, of course, subject to confidentiality!


The focus of the facility is on the conscious interaction with nature as well as the areas of movement and health.

Further conceptual educational focal points are gaining experience in the musical field and promoting language development. 

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/07/2024 05:52:10)


Children can be admitted to the day care centre when they turn two years old.

The places are filled with children from Gisselberg and the entire city of Marburg.

It is possible for children with increased care, nursing and/or support needs to be admitted within the framework of individual integration.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/07/2024 05:52:10)

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