Kindertagesstätte Eisenacher Weg

Kindertagesstätte Eisenacher Weg
Eisenacher Weg 1
35039 Marburg
Funding authority
Stadt Marburg (Kitas)
Gerhard-Jahn-Platz 1
35037 Marburg
06421487954 (Ilona Pinhard)
06421487954 (Susanne Luczak)
Opening times7:00 AM - 5:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysKita | Krippe: 15. Juli - 06. August 21
Krippe: 9. | 10. August 21
Kita: 23. | 24. August 21
Foreign languages German
Specially educational concept daily routine language education, inclusion, intercultural education, open concept, Situation approach, Situation orientated approach
Therapeutic support Logopedia, speech therapy, early advancement, motopedics
Extras Child care for physical education, Integrative facility, care with lunch, flexible care, for children with special educational needs, full day care, language education


Eisenacher Weg day care centre

Sectors/Subjects: 0 to 3 years, 3 years to school entry


Eisenacher Weg 1
35037 Marburg (Upper Richtsberg)


Head: Ms Pinhard

Deputy head: Mr Hutfilter
Telephone: 06421 487954
Fax: 06421 4870434

Opening hours:

Monday to Friday
07:00 - 17:00
An early-morning service is offered for working parents from 07:00 to 07:30.

Offer structure: 110 places in total
07.00 - 17.00 Full day place
08.00 - 14.00 Lunch time place
08.00 - 12.00 Half-day place
08.00 - 17.00 crèche place

Age of children:
6 months to school entry

Catchment areas:
Richtsberg, crèche from the entire city area

Monday, Thursday and Friday from 8.00 - 12.00 and by telephone arrangement

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/03/2025 10:25:01)