Kindertagesstätte Bauerbach

Für Kinder ab dem 6. Lebensmonat bis zur Einschulung

Kindertagesstätte Bauerbach
Waldeck 9
35043 Marburg
Funding authority
Stadt Marburg (Kitas)
Gerhard-Jahn-Platz 1
35037 Marburg
06421-12223 (Michaela Hajra)
Opening times7:00 AM - 5:00 PM o'clock
Foreign languages German, English, Italian, Russian
Specially educational concept child oriented education, daily routine language education, inclusion, open concept, project approach, Situation approach
Extras care with lunch, for children with special educational needs, full day care, language education

Current information


Dear Parents,

as the head of the day care centre, I would like to welcome you, also on behalf of my staff, to the registration portal of our day care centre.
If your request cannot be clarified on this portal page, please contact the childcare department or me. 
You will find the contact details under the heading "Childcare Centre" and "Youth Welfare Offices".

With kind regards
Michaela Hajra

Outdoor Facilities

Our day care centre (modern, ecological passive house with solar system) was opened in November 2010. It is located on the edge of the Marburg district of Bauerbach, directly next to the primary school in a play street (cul-de-sac with turning ramp). 
The large forest area "Lahnberge" begins in the immediate vicinity.
Playgrounds in the village and a nearby sports field are easy to reach and are popular.
The university hospital is five minutes away by car.
Our facility is equipped for about 45 children aged 3 years to school entry and for 10 children aged 0.5 years to 3 years. 
If necessary, we offer integration.

Daily Schedule

We would like to enable all children and parents to arrive in a relaxed manner. That is why we do not have a fixed drop-off time. Babies may still have a different daily rhythm or parents may work shifts and want to enjoy a leisurely breakfast with their child at home. These were two examples that prompted us to act in this way.

Our centre opens at 7:00 a.m. for children of working parents.

From 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., breakfast can be enjoyed in the bistro with friends and a specialist. Please bring your child's breakfast with you every day. Drinks are provided by us.
The children are free to move around the facility in order to pursue their interests (educational time) and to freely choose their play partners.
Crèche and kindergarten children learn differently than school children. For this reason, we do not work according to weekly schedules. We take the children's needs/ideas as our starting point and design the daily routine together with them (participation). We always keep an eye on the needs of the individual child and include them in the activities.
The educational time during the daily routine can therefore vary greatly. For example, playing in the outdoor area, walks, excursions, interest groups, language development and project work. The project work is also a focus of our work.

Around 11:00 a.m., lunch is eaten in the "children's restaurant" with the respective friends and a specialist in a small group.
Afterwards, teeth are brushed.

From 11:30 to 13:30., we offer all children who are tired a chance to rest. The children can relax with a story or a relaxation CD.

In the afternoon, the children like to finish activities from the morning or enjoy free play time. This is very important, among other things, to be able to process things/events.

Between 14:00 and 15:00 we offer a small afternoon snack.

Our facility closes at 5:00 pm.


Lunch is prepared daily in organic quality by our cook.
We pay attention to a balanced diet.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 12/07/2024 11:49:24)