Kindertagesstätte Auf der Weide

3 Jahre bis zum Schuleintritt

Kindertagesstätte Auf der Weide
Auf der Weide 4
35037 Marburg
Funding authority
Stadt Marburg (Kitas)
Gerhard-Jahn-Platz 1
35037 Marburg
06421/ 27734 (Frau Schöffmann, Leiterin und Frau Forster stellv. Leitung)
Opening times7:00 AM - 5:00 PM o'clock
Closing days3 Wochen in den Sommerferien
und zwischen den Jahren.
Specially educational concept daily routine language education, partially open concept, Science/Project methods, Situation approach
Extras care with lunch, full day care, language education
Pets Keine


In our day care centre "Auf der Weide", up to 100 children aged 3 years to school entry are cared for. It is a two-storey building with four group rooms, some with an integrated mezzanine. Additional functional rooms are also available. The day care centre has its own kitchen where freshly cooked meals are prepared daily and an in-house restaurant. The outdoor area extends around the entire building and offers a variety of opportunities for experience and play. Access to the day care centre is barrier-free.


The design of the four group rooms of the gymnasium, the ball pool of the restaurant, the corridor area, the dormitory, the library and the outdoor area are changed according to the project or the utilisation plan with suggestions from the children.

Outdoor Facilities

An important extension is the outdoor area with its many opportunities to move and get to know nature. The children can test their own physical limits and discover and develop their perception and body awareness. The aim is to give the children the space to discover the grounds and the natural materials available there (mud, wood, earth, stones, sand, snails, insects, etc.) with curiosity and imagination. There are also four raised beds in the outdoor area, which are designed by the children, the teachers and the kitchen staff.

Daily Schedule

Exemplary daily routine

7.00 - 8.00 a.m. Early service

8.00 - 11.30 a.m. Educational time: free play, project work and other activities

(9.00 a.m. Opening of the outdoor area and the movement room)

11.30 - 14.30 Time for a visit to the restaurant, general quiet time in the house, play and learning time is restricted to selected learning rooms

14.30 - 17.00 Educational time: free play and other activities


Food and enjoyment

Since 2016, the day care centre has its own restaurant and beer garden. There are about 20 seats available in the restaurant. The children should learn to experience food as a pleasure with all their senses. To recognise differences between hunger and appetite for something specific. To acquire a dining culture and table manners and to understand shared meals as the cultivation of social relationships. To gain knowledge and understanding of cultural peculiarities in eating habits, to acquire knowledge about healthy eating (also under the aspect of dental health). In the day care centre, fresh food is prepared daily from regional and organically grown food. The children are actively involved in the daily work of the kitchen and housekeeping.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/07/2024 05:53:52)

Offered care types at Jul 27, 2024:

Kind of care
 Kindergarten mit Mittagessen
 Kindergarten ohne Mittagessen

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