Kindertagesstätte Elnhausen

3 - 6 Jahre

Kindertagesstätte Elnhausen
St.-Florian-Straße 13
35041 Marburg
Funding authority
Stadt Marburg (Kitas)
Gerhard-Jahn-Platz 1
35037 Marburg
06420 - 1233 (Lukas Villnow ( Stellvertretende KiTa - Leitung))
06420 - 1233 (Sabine Lüttmann ( KiTa - Leitung ))
Opening times7:30 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Closing days29
Foreign languages German
Specially educational concept partially open concept
Extras care with lunch, full day care, language education
Pets Nicht erlaubt

Current information



Life in the day care center Elnhausen is....

    a day with rules, in which the child with its needs is in the foreground
    the right of the child to be today
    the child's right to be the way he or she is!  

Special features of the day care center:

The day care center and elementary school are located directly next to the public children's playground and artificial turf sports field and the multi-purpose hall very close to nature in the midst of meadows, pastures, fields and forests. The day care center, elementary school and after school care are united under one roof. Thus, the development and implementation of connectable educational processes for the children can be tested and consolidated together. This enables us to provide the children with a smooth and anxiety-free transition from daycare to school.

Our daycare center participates in the federal program "Sprach-Kitas" because language is the key to the world. With the concept of language education integrated into everyday life, the daycare center as a whole is geared to stimulating and promoting the children's language acquisition through play. We use a variety of opportunities, such as the "storytelling wall", picture book viewing, etc., in order to consciously create as many opportunities as possible for the children to tell stories.

Conceptual focus:

    Nature, environment and garden
    Early musical education
    Language development and promotion
    Movement education - psychomotricity


Playful growth and learning: Our pedagogical work is based on the children's living conditions and learning takes place out of the situation in daily interaction, in play and all activities that are important to the children - needs-oriented work. The children have a variety of functional rooms at their disposal - such as a studio, an experimental corner, a small workroom, a building and construction room, a book forest, the hallway, a large outdoor area with a natural plot of land, as well as a differentiation room with alternating offers for free selection. The rooms can and are jointly adapted and changed according to the children's needs through their participation and co-determination (participation).

Every child has the right to equal educational opportunities and social participation. We pursue the goal of inclusion through our attitude and actions and want to create access to the educational areas for all children. Children with inclusion needs are accompanied by an additional integration worker.

Nature, environment and garden: First elementary experience with nature means: Experiencing, understanding and discovering nature with all senses, observing the environment, becoming curious and wanting to learn more about the connections in nature. Through regular excursions into nature, forest weeks, raft week on the Lahn, nature house bsj and daily garden time, the children experience the animal and plant world up close and at the same time learn the appropriate appreciation of fauna and flora. The garden, with its various raised beds, fruit trees and shrubs, is also seen as a workshop that is also a place for the senses. In it, the children are invited to go on a discovery tour of sowing, planting, tending and harvesting.

A child seldom comes alone - educational partnership: In order to promote children individually and to respond to them and their living conditions, good and trusting contact with parents is particularly important to us. We want parents to feel comfortable and involved in our facility, as well as their children. In order to do justice to our family and supportive role, we place particular value on a mutual exchange of information throughout the kindergarten years. We involve the parents in our work, e.g. through parent meetings, annual development meetings, parent evenings, parent surveys as well as joint activities and much more. In order for the parents' opinions to be taken into account, a regular exchange and close, trusting cooperation with the parents' council is very important to us.

Goals of our pedagogical work

We want the children to...

  • feel comfortable and enjoy coming to kindergarten,
  • find a good atmosphere, in which they can act strengthened according to their individual needs in the daily interaction,
  • be taken seriously and accepted in their personality,
  • are offered a diverse, stimulating and creative environment,
  • learn to think and act in solidarity,
  • are able to resolve their conflicts independently and in an appropriate manner,
  • experience the institution as a democratic place in which they can participate in decision-making and shaping,
  • have the freedom to gain experience,
  • develop co-responsibility and compassion towards the group and the individual, 
  • cultivate a spirit of partnership with one another.


You feel addressed by our concept and would like to learn more about our facility and pedagogical work? We are looking forward to a personal contact with you.



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