Kindertagespflegegruppe: Lena´s Waschbärchenbande (Meyer)

Ich betreue Kinder von 0 bis zu 3 Jahren. Ein Rechtsanspruch besteht ab dem ersten Geburtstag. Des Weiteren muss eine Masernimpfung nachgewiesen werden.

Kindertagespflegegruppe: Lena´s Waschbärchenbande (Meyer)
Wehracker 28
35041 Marburg
Funding authority
Stadt Marburg (KTP)
Gerhard-Jahn-Platz 1
35037 Marburg
0159-01356083 (Frau Meyer)
Opening times7:00 AM - 3:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysIch habe min. 25 Tage im Jahr Urlaub – dieser wir immer im Januar bekannt gegeben. Dazu kommen noch drei Fortbildungstage, die meist erst sehr kurzfristig bekannt gegeben werden können.
Extras care with lunch
Pets Ally unser Hund (Pudel-Lagotto-Mix) begleitet uns draußen und im Garten.

Current information


My name is Lena and I was born in Kassel in 1983. In 2000 I moved to Marburg. Here I live with my 3 children and my partner in a small townhouse in Marburg, Michelbach.

Two dogs and 2 turtles belong to our family.


There is a separate room for the daycare children, which is equipped to meet the needs of U3 children. Many things are made of wood, there are stacking stones and a music box, and of course beautiful picture books are not to be missed. There is a separate bed for each child.

Outdoor Facilities

Our garden is small but nice. Here you will find a large sandbox with mud kitchen, a playhouse, a small climbing tower with slide and a few vehicles and seating for young and old.

Daily Schedule

From 7 am your children can be brought and by 9 am everyone should be there so that we can start with a common breakfast (before breakfast there is free play time). After that we go out every day. Sometimes we go to the playground, sometimes to the forest or garden and once a week we meet with another childminder. At 11:20 we have lunch and then we take a nap. After nap, the children get another snack and are allowed to play inside or outside until everyone is picked up at 3 pm.


The morning is sugar-free. For breakfast there is fruit, vegetables, bread or rolls.

At lunchtime, fresh food is cooked every day - occasionally with meat (no pork).

For children who are not allowed to eat certain foods for religious reasons or because of intolerances, I am considerate and offer alternatives. The same applies to vegetarians.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 17/10/2024 16:35:36)