Kinderhaus Blitzweg (Betriebsplätze der UKGM)

6 Monate - 3 Jahre

Kinderhaus Blitzweg (Betriebsplätze der UKGM)
Blitzweg 16
35039 Marburg
Funding authority
Marburger Eltern-Kind-Verein e.V.
Rudolf-Bultmann-Straße 2
35039 Marburg
06421/ 308761 (Koordinatorin Antje Smit)
Opening times7:00 AM - 5:30 PM o'clock
late care4:30 PM - 5:30 PM o'clock
Closing daysca. 25 Tage im Jahr
Specially educational concept child oriented education, daily routine language education, nature education, partially open concept, Situation orientated approach
Extras care with lunch, company Kindergarten, full day care, parents association


Our day nursery at Blitzweg is idyllically, centrally and conveniently located at Ortenberg in Marburg with proximity to the forest. In our house, we care for 10 children each aged from six months to three years in two groups, the Waldhummeln and the wilde Wieseln. We are open from Monday to Thursday from 7:00 am to 5:30 pm, and on Fridays from 7:00 am to 4:00 pm. In the off-peak hours of 7:00 - 7:30 and 16:30 - 17:30 we have a maximum of 10 places available each day. On Fridays, 10 of 20 places are also available from 15:00 - 16:00.

Our facility is a company crèche of the University Hospital Giessen-Marburg, run by the Marburger Eltern-Kind-Verein e.V. (Marburg Parent-Child Association).

The Marburger Eltern-Kind-Verein e.V. runs nine facilities in the city of Marburg and currently looks after around 180 children aged between six months and school entry. The association is a parents' initiative. We attach great importance to the protection of children, a trusting and familiar atmosphere and a cooperative partnership. In our facilities, children should be allowed to develop their talents and experience values such as tolerance, community and closeness to nature.

For further information see:

Our work in the house is characterised by the interaction of the participation of all big and small people. We attach great importance to a pedagogy at eye level, which values and takes seriously all children with their individual abilities and competences. As we have a large natural outdoor area, we like to use the time to enable the children to experience nature and to discover their world in their own way, in the sense of promoting holistic development.


Each group has a group room, a cloakroom, a bedroom, a kitchen, a bathroom with children's toilets, a baby changing unit and washing facilities on its floor. Both groups can use the ball bath, the movement room, the studio and the garden. We also have a large balcony, which is attached to the movement room and group room of the lower group. This offers space for lots of movement and invites you to play with water or paint in our outdoor studio in the summer.

Our individual rooms appeal to both younger and older children through different sensory stimuli and motor experience opportunities. It is important to us to create an appealing and varied environment for the children in which they can experience a sense of security, in which their different needs can be met and in which they can engage with their environment in their own unique way through play in order to gain important learning experiences.

The educational staff also have a staff room at their disposal which can also be used by the parents during the settling-in period.

Outdoor Facilities

We enjoy spending time with the children from both groups in our large garden. Especially in summer, it is also popular with parents to linger for a moment. It is important to us that the children can experience nature holistically in all weather conditions.

Large shady trees, different surfaces, tree trunks as well as willow tipis and a willow tunnel shape the natural character of our outdoor area. Individual areas in the garden offer the children opportunities to withdraw and play undisturbed, be it in the "little forest" where there is also a mud kitchen or in other corners densely overgrown with bushes.

The large lawn and the sandbox are also very popular with our children. In the adjacent garden house, the children can pick out their toys on their own. Rain gutters at children's height and a large mud group invite them to experiment with water. On a paved track, it is wonderful to whiz down the hill with the Bobby-Car and other vehicles. A barefoot path, a long slide and a large blackboard for painting offer further opportunities for experience.

Daily Schedule

07:00-07:30 Early service (emergency service)

07:30-08:15 Time for arrival and free play

08:30-09:00 Breakfast

09:00-09:30 Changing nappies/toileting, brushing teeth

09:30-11:00 Free play, activities, excursions, ...

11:00-11:30 Changing/toilet use, getting ready for bed

11:30-12:00 Lunch

12:00 noon nap, then diaper change and afternoon snack

14:00 Time for free play, activities, pick-up time

16:30-17:30 Grouping in late service (emergency service)

The times given are to be understood as guidelines. We try to keep to the times in our daily routine in order to give both children and parents an orientation. Ultimately, we are guided by the needs of the children or the group and therefore deviate from the given times in individual cases for the benefit of the individual child.


Eating is a basic need of every human being. During meals together in a communicative group atmosphere, the children have the opportunity to experience food with all their senses.

As a rule, the children bring their own breakfast. There is an exception on Fridays, when we prepare breakfast at the centre. Whenever possible, we purchase the food together with the children and use organic and/or regional food. For our breakfast, we attach importance to a "sugar-free morning", which means that the breakfast should consist of a varied selection of bread, raw vegetables, fruit and dairy products and should not contain any sugar.

Our lunch is delivered to us. However, there is the possibility for our younger children to bring jars or home-cooked food. Allergies, intolerances and religious restrictions are taken into account by our food supplier in the order as required.

In the afternoon, the children also have the opportunity to take another look at their lunch boxes or to have the afternoon snack provided by the facility, which consists of fruit, crispbread or a yoghurt dish, for example.

During our set meal times together, the children experience a sense of community, mutual consideration and participation. Deviating from our set meal times in the daily routine, we take into account the individual needs of each child by adapting to the child's (eating) rhythm.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/03/2025 06:19:19)