Our day nursery at Blitzweg is idyllically, centrally and conveniently located at Ortenberg in Marburg with proximity to the forest. In our house, we care for 10 children each aged from six months to three years in two groups, the Waldhummeln and the wilde Wieseln. We are open from Monday to Thursday from 7:00 am to 5:30 pm, and on Fridays from 7:00 am to 4:00 pm. In the off-peak hours of 7:00 - 7:30 and 16:30 - 17:30 we have a maximum of 10 places available each day. On Fridays, 10 of 20 places are also available from 15:00 - 16:00.
Our facility is a company crèche of the University Hospital Giessen-Marburg, run by the Marburger Eltern-Kind-Verein e.V. (Marburg Parent-Child Association).
The Marburger Eltern-Kind-Verein e.V. runs nine facilities in the city of Marburg and currently looks after around 180 children aged between six months and school entry. The association is a parents' initiative. We attach great importance to the protection of children, a trusting and familiar atmosphere and a cooperative partnership. In our facilities, children should be allowed to develop their talents and experience values such as tolerance, community and closeness to nature.
For further information see:
Our work in the house is characterised by the interaction of the participation of all big and small people. We attach great importance to a pedagogy at eye level, which values and takes seriously all children with their individual abilities and competences. As we have a large natural outdoor area, we like to use the time to enable the children to experience nature and to discover their world in their own way, in the sense of promoting holistic development.