Kinderhaus Fleckenbühl

Betreuung zwischen 9 Monaten und 6 Jahren möglich

Kinderhaus Fleckenbühl
Bürgelner Straße 9
35043 Marburg
Funding authority
die Fleckenbühler Hof Fleckenbühl gGmbH
Fleckenbühl 6
35091 Cölbe
06421/ 983806 (Julia Seibel/Birgit Kleem)
Opening times7:30 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Closing days3 Wochen in den Schulsommerferien
5 Tage in Schul- Weihnachtsferien
2 pädagogische Tage pro Jahr
2 Brückentage, jeweils nach Donnerstagsfeiertagen
1 Tag für Betriebsausflug
Foreign languages German, English
Specially educational concept Emmi Pikler, Waldorf education
Extras care with lunch


Our Kinderhaus is a family-supplementing facility and is located in a rural idyll in a district of Marburg. We are a 3 group facility with children from 6 months to school age. A toddler group with places for 10 children and 2 kindergarten groups with 18 children.

Pedagogical approach

We work according to the Hessian education and upbringing plan and are guided by Waldorf pedagogical values in order to grasp the physical, mental and spiritual development of the children, to protect it and to promote it as an individual as well as a member of a community. We offer a loving, manageable environment and accompany his life world as a role model, both by our actions and by our thinking and feeling. We provide the children with many opportunities for imitation in everyday life and they learn through their own experiences, not so much through intellectual explanation and teaching.

Irrespective of the respective developmental prerequisites, we offer each child a secure and protected space in which everyone can feel equally comfortable.


Room concept / Interior design

Our rooms are decorated in warm colors. The furniture as well as the toys are mainly made of natural materials. Some is in unchanged condition, for example pine cones, chestnuts, shells or similar in the store or the play kitchen. Others were made by us, such as snail ribbons, doll clothes, sand bags or gifts for the children for the various festivals.

The seasonal table is a fixed element in each group room, which makes the events of nature visible in the room and reflects what is happening in nature at the moment.

It is important to us to create a warm atmosphere in which the children feel comfortable and can develop in an appealing environment.


Outdoor Facilities

Nature experience

Whatever the weather, the children experience nature with all their senses. Therefore, we have a fixed time outside in the morning as well as in the afternoon, which we spend in our spacious outdoor area. We also set up regular forest days and walks and forest weeks several times a year.


Daily Schedule

Rhythm and rituals

Rhythm and rituals accompany us through the course of the day, week and year. The fixed structures give the children orientation and security. 
All children and also the pedagogical staff are assigned to fixed groups.
The daily routine is well structured; there are fixed, shared meals every day, morning and closing circles, as well as a midday rest period for all children after lunch.
The preparation and implementation of our annual celebrations play a major role in our day and find their place in the morning and closing circle with appropriate songs, finger plays and stories. They are also reflected in the decoration of the rooms, as well as in handicrafts and crafts during the free play phases.



We prepare breakfast together with the children every day. Each day of the week is assigned to a specific dish, e.g. homemade bread or rolls, muesli or fruit. We attach great importance to organic quality and wholesome, child-oriented and balanced nutrition. Lunch is prepared and delivered in our own kitchen at Hof Fleckenbühl. 

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/03/2025 11:00:22)