Our Kinderhaus is a family-supplementing facility and is located in a rural idyll in a district of Marburg. We are a 3 group facility with children from 6 months to school age. A toddler group with places for 10 children and 2 kindergarten groups with 18 children.
Pedagogical approach
We work according to the Hessian education and upbringing plan and are guided by Waldorf pedagogical values in order to grasp the physical, mental and spiritual development of the children, to protect it and to promote it as an individual as well as a member of a community. We offer a loving, manageable environment and accompany his life world as a role model, both by our actions and by our thinking and feeling. We provide the children with many opportunities for imitation in everyday life and they learn through their own experiences, not so much through intellectual explanation and teaching.
Irrespective of the respective developmental prerequisites, we offer each child a secure and protected space in which everyone can feel equally comfortable.