Kindergruppe Villa Kunterbunt

Altersgemischte Gruppe für Kinder von einem Jahr bis zum Schuleintritt

Kindergruppe Villa Kunterbunt
Wilhelm-Busch-Straße 26
35039 Marburg
Funding authority
Marburger Eltern-Kind-Verein e.V.
Rudolf-Bultmann-Straße 2
35039 Marburg
06421 15972 (Silke Ebert, Heike Eden)
Opening times7:30 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysca. 25 Tage/ Jahr
Specially educational concept child oriented education, intercultural education, nature education, Situation orientated approach
Extras Pets, care with lunch, full day care, parents association, scientific orientation (e.g. KidsgoMINT)
Pets Wir haben ein Aquarium und der Hund einer Mitarbeiterin besucht uns manchmal



Our mixed-age all-day group consists of 17 children (aged from one year to school entry), two educators, one educator and interns.

Our opening hours are Mon-Thu from 7.30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
                                                Fr from 7.30 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.

Villa Kunterbunt is located in a detached house on two floors with a large natural garden that offers plenty of space for playing, hiding, digging, muddling and climbing.
We sometimes have a campfire at our fireplace.
There is also an adjacent playground where we can slide and play football.
From there, we go directly into the forest and often go on excursions into the surrounding area.

In summer, our motto is "We start in the garden", which means that we are always outside in the morning and usually also in the afternoon.
We also have our "forest weeks", where we move our nursery into the forest for 5-6 weeks and can experience nature all day long, whatever the weather.

We like to celebrate festivals, also together with the parents (lantern festival, Christmas party, school cone festival, ...) and once a year the children are allowed to spend the night in the nursery.

The Marburger Eltern-Kind-Verein e.V. is the responsible body for our day care centre.

The Marburger Eltern-Kind-Verein e.V. runs nine facilities in the city of Marburg and currently looks after around 180 children between the ages of six months and school entry. The association is a parents' initiative. We attach great importance to the protection of children, a trusting and familiar atmosphere and a cooperative partnership. In our facilities, children should be allowed to develop their talents and experience values such as tolerance, community and closeness to nature.

For more information see:


Eating together and the conscious use of food is very important to us.
In the morning, we have breakfast with all the children who bring their breakfast (sugar-free) from home.
At lunchtime, the parents take turns cooking for the whole group; the food is brought in chilled and heated in the nursery. It is great for the children when they are the "cooking child".
Then there are delicious, balanced, wholesome meals with fresh ingredients in organic quality.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/07/2024 09:10:44)

Offered care types at Jul 27, 2024:

Kind of care
 Krippe mit Mittagessen
 Kindergarten mit Mittagessen



- Pedagogy from the child
- Situation-oriented approach
- plenty of room for free play (choose your own play partners, materials and duration)
- structured activities and projects
- Promotion of individual strengths and abilities
- Strengthening of social behaviour
- Encouragement of independence
- Participation (discussions and agreement with the children in the morning circle)
   (starting in the garden, forest weeks)
- Experiencing nature and the environment
- Occupation with scientific topics (regular further education/ House of Little Scientists)

Teamwork with parents

Cooperation with the PARENTS

In the sense of an educational partnership, the exchange and good cooperation with parents is very important to us.
We meet regularly for parents' evenings to discuss aspects of our educational work, organise joint celebrations and plan activities. There are many areas in which committed parents can get involved and help shape our work.


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Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/07/2024 09:10:44)

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