Kita "Regenbogeninsel" St. Lucia

1 Jahr bis zur Einschulung

Kita "Regenbogeninsel" St. Lucia
Offenbacher Weg 1A
63165 Mühlheim am Main
Funding authority
Dekanat Rodgau - Geschäftsträger der katholischen Kindertageseinrichtungen
Schillerstraße 15
63110 Rodgau
06108/66870 (Sandra Moschitz)
Opening times7:30 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Denomination roman catholic
Specially educational concept child oriented education, daily routine language education, inclusion, open concept, open work, project approach, Situation orientated approach
Extras Barrier-free, Integrative facility, care with lunch, full day care

Current information

Jesus says: “I have come that they may have life and have it more abundantly" (John 10:10).

We are a daycare center run by the Catholic parish of St. Lucia in Mühlheim-Lämmerspiel. The principle of our work is to treat all children and their families with appreciation and respect. Every single child is special and valuable to us. We see it in its individuality and with all its needs. We work with our concept in accordance with the legal mandate of education, upbringing and care. In addition, we have developed, expanded and implemented additional focal points in accordance with the current needs of our children and families. It is particularly important to us to give the children space to try out themselves and their abilities, develop social skills, make friends and feel joy. Through participation, we want to encourage them to achieve these goals together with the educators. A variety of offers are intended to arouse your curiosity and support the joy of discovery. All of this is only possible when trust is built and a bond is formed. Building trust and loyalty are therefore the focus of our work. As a family-supplementary institution, we want to build and secure an educational partnership with parents and specialists. With an open concept, mixed ages and supported by cooperation partners, many people come together and enrich each other. The basis of our work is the Christian view of humanity. We see it as our task to recognize and promote the God-given gifts and abilities in every child and to help them develop the foundation laid within them. Maintaining traditional rituals and celebrating Christian holidays, respecting creation, protecting the environment and using resources respectfully characterizes our annual routine. With our pedagogy we support the children to develop individually into independent, social, self-confident and satisfied personalities. The basis of our pedagogical attitude is respect for every child, their parents and each other among colleagues. The consensus here is to enjoy coming, to discover, to learn and to develop at your own pace. This applies equally to children and employees.

“But what you like to do, you do well.” (Mulford)


Our everyday pedagogical life takes place in an open concept. All rooms are equipped with specific focuses in keeping with the workshop concept. These are: arcade, bistro, language and literacy, art and creativity, building and construction, pottery or working with clay, research and discovery, and movement.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/09/2023 14:53:15)