Evangelische Kita Sonnenschein

3 bis 6 Jahren

Evangelische Kita Sonnenschein
Hauptstr. 74
53797 Lohmar
Funding authority
Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Lohmar
Hauptstr. 74
53797 Lohmar
02246/4862 (Ev. Kita Sonnenschein Lohmar)
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Closing days15 Schließtage im Sommer
Zwischen Weihnachten und Neujahr
Foreign languages German
Denomination evangelic
Specially educational concept child oriented education, daily routine language education, inclusion
Extras care with lunch, full day care

Current information



My name is Mika and whether I am a girl or a boy, the people in the "Kita Sonnenschein" do not really care. Here I am cared for and valued, no matter what my name is, who I am and where I come from. I’ve been going to kindergarten since I was three years old and I feel very comfortable here.

In the beginning, when I was new, a teacher always took special care of me. My daddy or my mom were there too. So I realized that I can trust the teachers and now I don’t need close supervision anymore. Today it’s enough for me to know that someone is always there for me when I need them. Everyone called it acclimatization back then.

There are two groups in my nursery. If I could count all the children, I’m sure it would be about 44 children in the daycare center. The shooting star group and the rainbow group can be found here. It’s so nice to be in a small facility. So I got to know everyone and it almost feels a bit like home. But it’s not just the kids that I know pretty well. I can also call all the teachers by their names. There aren’t as many of them as there are children. I was able to count six pieces. Everyone is very nice and do nice things with us.

Once we went to the fire brigade, to the police and even to school together. We went to the Christmas market together with the bus and went to the rolling forest school. So many beautiful things happened in the whole time that I can’t even list them all. But it’s especially nice when on Thursday the music teacher comes to the nursery and shows us real instruments on which we even play. This always takes place in the large gymnasium, which we also use regularly for gymnastics.

When I come to the daycare center in the morning, between 07:00 am and 09:00 am, my friends welcome me directly. Then we have breakfast together and find a nice place to play. When my parents put something nice in my lunchbox, I eat almost everything. Afterwards I go either to the building corner or to the craft table. I also like to play in the doll’s corner or pick a board game or read a book. The teachers always come up with something new for us, so it never gets bored! Sometimes (1x a week) even a mom, a dad or the grandparents come to read. These are our reading dates. Every morning there is a sitting or singing session. The teacher then tells us what’s going to happen today. The next morning we go out, unless it’s too dangerous because it’s stormy, but you can watch it from our big windows. When we come back in, we have lunch together. And if I don’t like something, I don’t have to eat it either. In the Sunshine daycare center, I can learn how to control my body. After dinner, we decide what to do. Outdoors or indoors? That’s the question. There are always nice offers and if I don’t want to participate, I wait for the vitamin round in the afternoon. There is always fresh fruit and vegetables here. Later I am picked up and I am happy to see my mom and dad. But often they still talk to the teachers if everything was okay with me. That’s probably important to everyone here!

I’m looking forward to it. Because I’m a BASCHUKI now. That’s “soon school kid. ” As BASCHUKI we do even more great things. My teachers are showing me how to write my name and are already practicing arithmetic with me. I think they want me to be well at school and well prepared.

Before I go to school, I’m glad we’re taking our annual group photo again. So I can see who is in my group and who goes to school with me. Mom and Dad are also happy about my other photos.

Maybe you’ll be in our picture soon, too?

We warmly welcome you to our community of the day care center “Sonnenschein”!

Outdoor Facilities

Our outdoor area is not only popular and well used in summer. At any time of the year or weather, we take the children to the outdoor area. Here we have made sure that we do not flood the children with stimuli, but have plenty of free space to play and learn. After all, in the city it is rare for children to be able to let off steam freely and carefree. We offer your children the space to do so!

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