WERKStadt Kita

Caution: This Facility is closed from Jan 2, 2025 until Aug 18, 2025.

Reason: Baumaßnahmen
WERKStadt Kita
Joseph-Schneider-Straße 1
65549 Limburg a. d. Lahn
Funding authority
Familienzentrum Müze e.V.
Hospitalstraße 10
65549 Limburg a. d. Lahn
Opening times7:30 AM - 5:30 PM o'clock
early care7:00 AM - 7:30 AM o'clock
Foreign languages German (bilingual concept), English, Persian, Urdu
Specially educational concept intercultural education, Montessori education, partially open concept, Situation orientated approach, Wood-Pedagogy
Extras Child care for physical education, care with lunch, flexible care, full day care

Current information

Information about our new kindergarten:

The construction work is in progress, and the workers have been hired and are ready to start. There are still some steps that need to be completed, so we will continue to update our information here. For now, August 18th will be our first working day.


In our Kindergarten Sonnenschein in der werksadt we have two group rooms, a large kitchen, a large dining room, a large exercise room, a staff room, a snoezel room and an office.

Outdoor Facilities

We do have a small outdoor area where the children can ride scooters or bikes, but that's not enough. For this reason, we've worked on our concept and set fixed days which we'll go outside in the natur. The children will have the opportunity to be in nature and get some exercise.

Daily Schedule

Daily routine                                                                                                                                                                              We start our early shift at 7 a.m. From 7:30 a.m., breakfast is prepared, and the children they are coming can have breakfast. After breakfast, the children go to their regular groups. Action days or educational offers are offered here. There is also time for free play or walking.

In addition, a singing circle and play circles will take place in the course of the morning. In these, they look together to see who is there, discuss current topics, sing and play.

Lunch time is from 11:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. After that, the sleeping children go to sleep, and the all-day children have a rest period. From 2:30 p.m. there will be a snack round, and from 2:30 p.m. the afternoon offer begins. The exercise room, the differentiation room and the dining room will be open and accesable for the chlidren. 


We have a large kitchen, and fresh food is cooked every day. The children will have breakfast and lunch with us at the kindergarten.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 25/03/2025 10:43:50)