Kinderkrippe "Krabbelstube"

Bei uns werden Kinder im Alter von 6 Monaten bis drei Jahren betreut. Die Gruppen sind altersgemischt.

Kinderkrippe "Krabbelstube"
Hospitalstraße 10
65549 Limburg a. d. Lahn
Funding authority
Familienzentrum Müze e.V.
Hospitalstraße 10
65549 Limburg a. d. Lahn
064319754443 (Frau Krombach)
064319754443 (Frau Meurer)
Opening times7:00 AM - 5:30 PM o'clock
late care5:30 PM - 6:00 PM o'clock
Closing days24 Tage pro Jahr, diese beinhalten:
3 Wochen in den hessischen Sommerferien
5 Arbeitstage über Weihnachten und Neujahr
Alle Schließtage werden frühzeitig in einem Jahreskalender bekannt gegeben
Foreign languages German, English, Turkish
Specially educational concept livebased approach, Situation orientated approach
Extras Papilio, Parents center, care with lunch, family counseling, flexible care, full day care

Current information

If you are interested in our MüZe family center toddler room, we would be happy to arrange individual information sessions with you.

The crèche is a certified Carusos facility, so singing and making music is an important part of our everyday educational activities.
The MüZe Family Center, including the crèche, is certified as a Fair Daycare Center.


The Krabbelstube is a daycare center with three groups, each of which can care for up to twelve children aged six months to three years. Our facility is centrally located in the city center of Limburg a. d. Lahn. It is characterized by the colourful and open city life. Our premises are designed to meet the needs of the children and can be adapted to the individual development stages of the children at any time with little effort. We are open from Monday to Friday from 7.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m., with early service from 7.00 a.m. and late service until 6.00 p.m.. Within these opening hours there are various childcare options, i.e. the children attend the crèche for at least three half days a week up to a maximum of full time. The childcare hours can be increased by half a day. This gives parents the opportunity to adapt childcare to their own working hours and needs.


The nursery has three group rooms, which can be equipped with painting corners, gymnastics elements, children's kitchens and a cozy corner, for example. The play equipment is changed regularly to meet the individual needs of the children. The group rooms are kept simple so that the children are not exposed to too many impressions and they offer space for their own design and creativity.

The entrance area is used in a variety of ways, for the children to arrive, for daily meals and activities. Our children's washbasins are located in the hallway, where the children can wash their hands regularly during the day. There are also checkrooms and various materials for sensory perception.

In the children's bathroom there are two changing tables, a children's toilet, washbasins, a shower and shelves for the children's changing utensils. Next door is the staff toilet.

In a quiet area of the crèche is our bedroom for the youngest children. The bedroom for the older children is a little away from the group activities and is also the exercise room.

The office is used for parent-teacher conferences, staff meetings and preparation times and is available as a staff room at lunchtime.

In our in-house kitchen, our cook prepares fresh meals every day.

Our facility has two balconies equipped with a sandpit, vehicles and various play equipment.

Outdoor Facilities

As the crèche is located in Limburg city center, we do not have an outdoor area. We do have two balconies, which are used a lot, especially in summer. The children can play in the sandpit, ride scooters and balance bikes, splash around in the water and much more. We also go for a walk once or twice a week with our large crèche trolley. Our walks take us to the Lahn, the Schafsberg, the Josaphat valley or the old town. Once a year, each group has a forest week, during which we spend five days in a row exploring the surrounding woods and discovering nature. We regularly go on excursions by bus and train and take part in city life, e.g. we visit the Christmas market, eat ice cream or go shopping with the children.

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Daily Schedule

7.00-7.30 a.m. The morning service begins. Breakfast is prepared with the children.

7.30-9.00 a.m. The children are brought in during this time

7.30-8.45 a.m. Breakfast is served. The children can go to the dining table individually. There they eat breakfast together with a teacher.

08.30-11.15 a.m. The children go to their home group. Activity days or educational activities are offered here. There is also time for free play or to go for a walk. There is also a singing circle during the morning. Here, we look together to see who is there, discuss current topics, sing and play.

11.15-12.00 Lunch is eaten together

12.00-12.30 The children can be picked up

12.30-13.00 Late service for the morning children

12.00-14.00 The full-day children go to bed or have a rest

13.45-15.00 Afternoon snack The children can go to the lunch table individually. There they eat together with a teacher. Bread, fruit, pretzels, quark or similar are offered.

14.00-16.00 The afternoon activities begin. An educator offers the children individual and group activities in an extra room.

14.00-17.30 The children can be picked up throughout the afternoon. There are no fixed pick-up times.

17.30-18.00 The late shift begins


In unserer Krabbelstube werden täglich alle Speisen frisch und vegetarisch zubereitet. Dieses erleichtert es uns den zuckerfreien Vormittag umzusetzen und die Zahngesundheit sowie die natürliche Energiezufuhr zu unterstützen.

Um den Kindern kulinarische Besonderheiten näher zu bringen und die Vorlieben der Kinder an Feier- und Geburtstagen zu berücksichtigen kann es gelegentlich zu Ausnahmen bei der zuckerfreien und vegetarischen Ernährung kommen.

Kinder unter drei Jahren benötigen Essens- und Trinkwerkzeuge welche an ihre spezifischen Anforderungen angelehnt sind. So essen wir in der Krabbelstube aus Tellern mit einem tiefen Rand. Kinder lernen mit Hilfe der pädagogischen Fachkraft nach und nach, ein Fläschchen selbst zu halten (vgl. HMSI2010, S.55).  Je nach Alter werden sie an das Trinken aus ihrem eigenen Glas herangeführt. Die pädagogischen Fachkräfte können die Füttersituation sehr gut nutzen, um den Beziehungsaufbau zum Kind weiter zu stärken, indem sie individuell und feinfühlig auf dessen Bedürfnisse eingehen (vgl. HMSI 2010, S.55). Die Kinder entscheiden selbst durch eine Lautäußerung, Nicken oder deuten, ob sie ungesüßten Tee oder stilles Wasser trinken möchten. Auch die Wahl des Esswerkzeuges (Wahl zwischen Löffel und Gabel) wird abgefragt (vgl. HMSI 2010, S.55). „Beim Umgang mit Essen und Trinken bietet sich schon für kleine Kinder die Chance, etwas über Herkunft und Zubereitung von Lebensmitteln zu lernen. Nach und nach können Kinder erfahren welche Verarbeitungsschritte (z.B. waschen, schneiden oder schälen) erforderlich sind“ (HMSI 2010, S.56).

Wenn die Arbeitsumgebung der Küche es zulässt, dass Kinder gefahrlos die Küche betreten können, ist die Schutztüre offen für jedes Kind, welches neugierig darauf ist, was gerade in der Küche passiert. Die Köchin erklärt den Kindern, woran sie gerade arbeitet und die Kinder haben so die Möglichkeit, Gemüse, Obst und Getreideprodukte oft noch vor der Verarbeitung näher kennen zu lernen und zu Betrachten.

Beim Essen selbst wird den Kindern von Allem etwas gereicht. Wichtig ist uns dabei, den Kindern die Gelegenheit zu geben, neue Speisen auszuprobieren und für sich zu entdecken.


Um den Wasserhaushalt der Kinder auszugleichen,

stehen gesunde Getränke wie Wasser, kindgerechte

Kräuter- oder Früchtetees jederzeit für die Kinder bereit.


In der Krabbelstube wird ein reichhaltiges, zuckerfreies, kauaktives und abwechslungsreiches Frühstück geboten. In der Zeit von 07.30 – 8.45 Uhr haben alle Kinder die Möglichkeit am Frühstück teilzunehmen. Am Tisch sind immer zwei pädagogische Fachkräfte und beaufsichtigt die Kinder, sorgt für das Händewaschen vor und nach dem Essen, das Zuführen zur Gruppe und nimmt die ankommenden Kinder im Empfang. Zum Frühstück gibt es Abwechslung durch verschiedene Frühstücke z.B. Käsebrote, Brote mit vegetarischen Aufstrichen, kindgerechte Knabbereien, frisches Obst, Rohkost, geeignetes Müsli für Kleinkinder und Joghurt. Es ist uns wichtig, dass wir immer Obst und Gemüse mit anbieten, dass die Kinder die Möglichkeit haben auf fünf Portionen pro Tag zukommen.



An der Küche wird den Kindern mittels Bildkarten dargestellt, was es zu essen gibt. Um 11.15 Uhr waschen wir unsere Hände und essen dann gemeinsam unser Mittagessen. Hier gehören unsere Tischlieder zu den alltäglichen Ritualen. Um hier als Vorbild zu agieren, sitzen an jedem Mittagstisch zwei Fachkräfte, welche mit den Kindern zusammen essen. Das Essen wird gemeinsam begonnen und endet sobald die Kinder fertig sind. Die Kinder werden stets mit eingebunden, beim Tischdecken, Tisch abräume und Lätzchen wegbringen. Nach dem Essen wird aufgestanden und gemeinsam Hände gewaschen. Bei der Auswahl der Lebensmittel und Speisen wird darauf geachtet, dass diese abwechslungsreich, gesund und ausgewogen sind (gemäß den Vorgaben der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ernährung zur Speisenherstellung in Kitas). Wir verzichten weitestgehend auf Lebensmittelzusätze und vorgefertigte Lebensmittel und gänzlich auf Geschmacksverstärker und Süßstoffe, da kleine Kinder darauf empfindlich reagieren. Kinder interessieren sich für Speisen aus anderen Ländern. Kulinarische Wochen, z.B. italienische oder arabische Wochen, werden immer wieder mal angeboten und es gibt dann landestypische Speisen und Lebensmittel. An der Pinnwand und in der Kindergartenapp befindet sich, für die Eltern einsehbar, ein wöchentlicher ausführlicher Speiseplan, der sich stets an den Bedürfnissen der Kinder orientiert.



Am Nachmittag haben die Kinder nochmals die Gelegenheit einen Snack zwischen 13.45 und 15.00 Uhr einzunehmen. Am Tisch ist eine pädagogische Fachkraft und beaufsichtigt die Kinder, sorgt für das Händewaschen vor und nach dem Essen, das Zuführen zur Gruppe und nimmt +Snacks vor, z.B. Kuchen, Obst, Rohkost, Joghurt, Pizza usw. Gelegentlich bietet eine pädagogische Fachkraft ein Angebot an, wobei die Kinder die Möglichkeit haben sich an der Zubereitung des Snacks zu beteiligen.

Mithilfe und eigenständiges Kochen und Backen

Um den Kindern lebenspraktische Erfahrungen zu ermöglichen, führt jede Gruppe hauswirtschaftliche Angebote mit den Kindern durch. Vom Lebensmitteleinkauf, der Zubereitung, dem Kochen, bis hin zum gemeinsamen Essen erleben die Kinder so die Speisenzubereitung und ein gemeinsames Mahl.



Auch die Kleinsten nehmen bei uns schon am gemeinsamen Essen teil. Mit Absprache der Eltern führen wir die Säuglinge mit dem vollendeten 10. Lebensmonat langsam an feste Nahrung heran. Ansonsten stellen wir abwechslungsreiche und altersgerechte Gläschen zur Verfügung oder die Eltern bringen Milchpulver mit und wir bereiten dieses dem Kind frisch zu. Von selbstgekochter Nahrung bitten wir Abstand zu nehmen, da wir als Krabbelstube für die einwandfreie Zubereitung, Lagerung und Transport vor der Ankunft in unserer Einrichtung keine Verantwortung übernehmen können!


Besondere Ernährungswünsche

Da unser Essen täglich frisch zubereitet wird, können wir so leicht auf die besonderen Bedürfnisse bei Unverträglichkeiten oder Allergien Rücksicht nehmen und in enger Absprache mit den Eltern den Speiseplan des Kindes absprechen.

Hierzu ist von besonderer Wichtigkeit, dass uns sofort und schriftlich mitgeteilt wird, wenn weitere Lebensmittelallergien- und Unverträglichkeiten hinzukommen. Nur so können wir garantieren, dass ihr Kind bei uns nur die verträglichen Lebensmittel erhaltet.

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Offered care types at May 8, 2024:

Kind of care
 Krippe unter 2 Jahren
 Krippe über 2 Jahren


Image of the child

Our approach in the daycare center is the co-construction approach. This means that we see education as a social process in which children and adults actively participate and educational processes are jointly constructed by them. Today's image of the child as a social being and social interaction are at the forefront of this. The child and its environment are active at the same time and the adult is jointly responsible for good control and moderation of these interactions.

See Hessian Ministry for Social Affairs and Integration (ed.) 2019: Education from the very beginning



Our team is made up of various educational specialists. We employ educators, nursery nurses, curative education nurses, social assistants and social workers.

In order to achieve effective and efficient cooperation, it is the task of every employee to create an open and honest working atmosphere that makes it possible to

    Develop common goals and solutions and promote their implementation
    Contribute special talents and professional expertise
    Show personal responsibility for the group
    To have an exchange of specialist knowledge
    Experience feedback
    To experience critical reflection on work

Quality Assurance

Quality management

The specialists at the crèche try to define targeted and methodically structured assessments of the social work and social pedagogical procedures and to review these again and again in order to ensure the quality of the work. There are pedagogical and legal guidelines as well as framework conditions that shape our work:

    The educational work of the daycare center is based on the contents of the Hessian education and upbringing plan for children aged 0-10.
    The legal basis for the educational and child-raising mission of day-care centers is generally formed by the legal texts in SGB VIII (Child and Youth Welfare Act - KJHG), as well as the Hessian Child Promotion Act (HessKiföG).

In addition, there are various methods for improving and monitoring the quality of social work and social education work:

    Protection concept
    Further training for professionals
    Supervision and team meetings for professionals
    Employee appraisals and staff appraisals
    Concept days
    Parents' council, parent meetings and "door-to-door talks"


Cooperation partners

    Counseling centers
    Specialist counseling Carusos
    Child protection counseling
    Specialist youth support service
    Specialist schools for social pedagogy
    Limburg fire department
    Early intervention center
    Health department
    Kindergartens and schools
    Youth Welfare Office
    Fair Daycare Center Officer
    City of Limburg
    Surrounding stores


Teamwork with school


In the interest of holistic work with the children and their families, it is useful and necessary to work together with other educational institutions.

Together with the Theodor-Heuss-School, the Protestant day care center at Schafsberg, the Catholic day care center St. Hildegard, the Villa Kunterbunt, the Waldorf kindergarten Zipfelmütze, the Catholic day care center St. Nikolaus and the Catholic day care center St. Georg from Limburg, we form a tandem by exchanging professional information and organizing joint events.

Teamwork with parents

Parent work

An educational partnership should be sought for the benefit of the child. In this partnership, parents and educational professionals open up to each other, exchange their ideas about parenting and work together.

A basis of trust should be created through openness and mutual recognition, which enables a positive cooperation between the family and the pedagogical staff of the crèche. This includes a mutual willingness to talk about the child's development and behavior, as well as the coordination of support and action options in education.

Various meetings are held to give parents and guardians feedback on their child's development. Overall, parent-teacher conferences are of great importance. They form the basis of the educational partnership with the parents/guardians. It goes without saying that the content of the discussions is confidential. We reflect on and document all discussions.

    Door-to-door talks (without documentation)
    Familiarization talks
    Development talks
    Final interviews

see Hessian Ministry for Social Affairs and Integration (ed.) 2019: education from the very beginning

In our crèche, parents and guardians receive information about the educational concept of the facility, the various educational programs for the children and the daily routine. They receive this information through the concept, which is available to parents/guardians in written form, as well as in the weekly plans on display and in discussions with the specialist staff.

    Letters/information letters to parents/guardians via a parent app
    Notices on the information walls and in the parent app
    Parents' breakfasts, craft afternoons, parent-child afternoons and much more
    Observation during the settling-in period
    Parents' evenings, seminars, talks
    Various festivals
    Participation in the parents' council
    Projects that accompany the parents, e.g. introducing their professions, making music together


Fair Kita

"A FaireKITA is a daycare center where global learning and fair trade are part of the children's everyday lives. The diversity of the world can be experienced with all the senses through the topic of fair trade. By using fair trade products in the facilities, the daycare center management, teachers and parents take responsibility for fair and sustainable consumption. Only if future generations are made aware of these issues can the concept of sustainable living and action be brought to the forefront of society."

Source: FaireKITA (

The Carusos: giving every child a voice

"Singing unites, singing strengthens body and mind, singing trains the brain - and is simply fun! To enable children to benefit from the positive effects of singing from an early age, the German Choral Association has launched the nationwide initiative Die Carusos. The aim is to encourage nurseries and kindergartens to make singing together an integral part of their daily work.

Good reasons to become a Carusos daycare center

    Singing together has a unifying power for the whole daycare center.
    Through music, children are introduced to other areas of learning, such as language acquisition.
    Holistic music-making, for example with instruments or movement, promotes motor skills.
    Singing increases self-confidence in using one's own voice.
    Songs structure the children's everyday lives and the annual cycle.
    The specialist advisors support the teachers with practical suggestions.
    The Carusos songbook and the accompanying handbook offer many new ideas for creating songs."

Source: Die Carusos: The Carusos - every child has their own voice (




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The crèche looks after children whose parents live in Limburg and its districts. We accept children from the age of six months.

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Description and Stations

Our facility is centrally located in the city center of Limburg a. d. Lahn. It is characterized by the colourful and open city life. The nursery is located in the immediate vicinity of Limburg's train station, so that families can easily reach our facility by public transportation. Families who come on foot have the option of storing and connecting their baby carriages in a separate room. Parking is available on the opposite parking deck, on Hospitalstraße, at the train station, in the workshop and in the surrounding parking garages.

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