Katholische Kindertagesstätte "St. Nikolaus" Limburg

1,5 Jahre bis Schuleintritt

Katholische Kindertagesstätte "St. Nikolaus" Limburg
Am Huttig 1
65549 Limburg a. d. Lahn
Funding authority
Pfarrei Heilige Katharina Kasper Limburger Land
Gartenstraße 16
65549 Limburg a. d. Lahn
06431 932827 (Frau Ute Sawall)
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Closing days25 pro Jahr
Alle Schließtage werden rechtzeitig vorher bekanntgeben.
Foreign languages German, English
Denomination roman catholic
Specially educational concept daily routine language education, inclusion, Situation orientated approach
Extras care with lunch, full day care
Pets nein

Current information

If you are interested in the KiTa St. Nikolaus, you can make an individual appointment by calling

 Tel.: 06431/932827 or by e-mail: kita.st.nikolaus@gesamtverband-limburg.de

to arrange an appointment.

We look forward to hearing from you.


The daycare center can care for up to 115 children in 5 groups from the age of 3 until they start school.

In the crèche, up to 12 children aged 1.5 to 3 years can be looked after.

The entire corridor serves as an additional playroom with various play options.

Music touches the body, soul and spirit. Early music-making awakens children's curiosity about the world of sound and offers a unique opportunity to connect people; this is why musical education is so important at our daycare center.


Krippe (1,5 - 3 Jahre)

Kindertagestätte (3 Jahre bis Schuleintritt)

You can find more photos at

www.gesamtverband-limburg.de / Kita St. Nikolaus


Outdoor Facilities

The total area is 910 square meters with an outdoor area of 2290 square meters.

We are currently in the process of redesigning.

The outdoor area for the U 3 area is at the back of the site.


How children develop depends to a large extent on what they eat and drink. The food on offer should be balanced, tasty and varied - not only at home, but especially at daycare centers.

Regular, balanced meals and eating together are part of a healthy lifestyle.


In our daycare center, the children can eat their own breakfast every day. On Friday we implement the sugar-free morning and the daycare center provides breakfast for all children.


approx 70 places

Supplier: Apetito


The children's day center provides mineral water medium as well as natural and unsweetened tea free of charge.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 23/02/2024 14:56:09)