Address |
Kindertagesstätte "Regenbogenland" Am Hammer 10b 42799 Leichlingen |
Funding authority |
Elterninitiative "Regenbogenland" e. V. Am Hammer 10 b 42799 Leichlingen | | | | |
02175 12 30 (Frau Rösner) | |
Opening times | 7:15 AM - 4:30 PM o'clock |
Closing days | 21 Tage; zwischen Weihnachten und Neujahr; Rosenmontag; 2 pädagogische Tage; 2 Wochen in den Sommerferien 2-3 Brückentage |
Specially educational concept | inclusion, partially open concept, Situation approach, Wood-Pedagogy |
Extras | Barrier-free, Child care for physical education, Child care with special focus on environmental education, Integrative facility, care with lunch, for children with special educational needs, full day care, parents association |