Kindertagesstätte "Wimmelburg"

ab 3 Monaten

Kindertagesstätte "Wimmelburg"
Hindenburgstraße 82
30851 Langenhagen
Funding authority
KITaZirkel e.V.
Bahndamm 3B
30853 Langenhagen
0511/60017141 (Frau Diana Heinrich)
Opening times8:00 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Closing days20 Schließtage im Jahr
Extras care with lunch, full day care


The Wimmelburg opened the doors in March 2013. In 2016, the facility expanded to include another group. The house is located at Hindenburgstraße 82 in Langenhagen and offers 24 children aged 3 months to 3 years a loving and holistic care. The Wimmelburg day care centre is open from Monday to Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and offers loving all-day care from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. or from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The facility is closed on public holidays and during closing times.

The Wimmelburg day care centre sees itself as a family-complementary institution. The focus is on ensuring that every child feels comfortable in the daycare center in an atmosphere of warmth and security. The experience of affection and trust is essential for the positive development of a child.

First of all, we would like to offer the children everything that gives them joy and fun and supports their development, so that they feel comfortable and like to come to our facility. Our pedagogical work is based entirely on the individual levels of experience and development of the children. To perceive the needs and interests of the individual child, to take him seriously with his weaknesses and strengths and to support and accompany his developmental tasks, are our most important tasks in everyday pedagogical life.

The focus is also on education and development towards ego competence and autonomy. By constantly trying out and experiencing daily tasks, such as dressing and undressing or smearing the breads themselves in food situations, we promote the children to independence. A regular daily routine with a constant rhythm and rituals gives the children security and security. It is important to us to create a safe environment that is oriented towards the needs of the children, as well as a loving and warm atmosphere in which the children feel comfortable. On this basis, the child can pursue his exploration behavior. This is an important prerequisite for the learning and development of the child. Social behavior and the ability to deal with conflicts are conveyed through the daily interaction in the group. Children learn from children, which is why our free play phase is an important element of our daily routine.

Last but not least, we want to promote children's language development through musical elements such as finger and movement games as well as picture books. Through regular activities with different materials, we want to offer the children a holistic sensory experience.


"First grasp, then understand"

Friedrich Fröbel


The children are supported according to the legal provisions of § 2KiTaG. The goals of our day care facility are therefore:

  • Pick up children where they are
  • To give children space to develop in their rhythm
  • To strengthen children and to support and accompany them in their individual development
  • To strengthen children in their personality
  • Introducing children to socially responsible action
  • To provide children with knowledge and skills that promote independent coping with life within the scope of the respective possibilities of the individual child
  • Cultivate a thirst for knowledge and the joy of learning
  • To promote equal rights for boys and girls educationally
  • To promote interaction between children of different origins and imprints with each other


The two group rooms on two levels are divided into different functional areas. The room on the ground floor offers the children the opportunity, among other things, to get involved in construction work on the construction carpet, to use the plateau for climbing and sliding or to play in the ball pool. Meals are also taken in this group room.


In the group room on the first floor, feelings and experiences can be lived out in role play in the doll and costume corner. The creativity and senses are also stimulated by different materials. The room also offers space for retreat and reading and is also used for the daily morning and midday groups.

Daily Schedule

07:00 am

From 07:00 a.m. the early service is offered for registered children. That means our first friends come and play with us. Together we start the day. When the first little hunger comes – there is a delicious fruit – vegetable plate, the first games of the day are cleared out, cuddle units are distributed, reading rounds are organized ... so everything your heart desires.

08:00 am – 09:00 am

Between 8:00-09:00 a.m. our Wimmelburg family becomes complete - then the rest of the children come. They arrive, cuddle up with mom and dad or show them how high they can already build a tower. After saying goodbye, we can continue to play until shortly before 9 o'clock the clean-up signal sounds - which means - we all clean up and immediately the morning circle begins.

09:00 am

At 9:00 a.m. the morning circle begins – Juchu! We greet each other, count whether everyone is there, singing, playing and laughing. And all this before breakfast – I'll tell you – you would like that too.

The table service – that's two different children every week – then goes downstairs and sets the table for everyone, picks up the food from the kitchen, counts the bibs and prepares everything for us. Then the time has come – when the table service tells us: "We are feeertig" – we go to our breakfast together.

We stock up on our own breads and decide on our own. Then we have to wait a short time - if the table neighbor just has the cereal pack until it's your turn.

09:45 am

After breakfast, our "open playing time" begins. We have many possibilities: free play inside & like outside in the garden, playground excursions, promotional offers, small group activities, project work and and and and ... Very often we set off with our little bus and explore our surroundings.

12:00 pm

Shortly before 12 we have to clean up again and we meet for lunch. While the table service is busy again, we oil our vocal cords again for our favorite songs or find out how many funny names each of our fingers has. TOGETHER we end an exciting morning and look forward to lunch.

Rituals are also important to us at lunchtime and so we start as always with the table saying. 

And just like breakfast, we are self-determined and can learn by trying things out. Recently there were peas.

12:30 p.m.

Afterwards we go to the "Sleeping room" at 12:30 pm for the rest and sleep phase. Each child has his or her own individual sleeping place in our cozy bedroom. Together we enjoy pleasant dreams and draw energy for the afternoon.

If someone can't sleep – something nice is hummed or cuddled for a while – usually falls asleep. But if this is not the case and someone simply cannot fall asleep, then the child is allowed to get up again and go to play. They have to be very quiet, but that's also clear – the other children are still sleeping.

2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

When we all wake up again – start a new round of playing, laughing, having fun. We can nibble on the "tea time" that exists every day, look at our ego folders, paint, knead, go to the garden or do a puzzle in peace.

From 15:00 o'clock

The pick-up time begins. Depending on the times booked, the children will be picked up from 15:00-17:00.


Backpack-free and vegetarian (without fish and meat) daycare center. 

Meals such as breakfast, lunch and tea time are taken at the daycare centre. The children do not need a backpack, because the kindergarten offers breakfast, lunch and tea time. All dishes are purely vegetarian and mostly in organic quality.  The children decide for themselves what and how much they eat!

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 26/03/2025 23:39:22)