Kindertagesstätte "Wichtelhagen"

10 Monate bis Schuleintritt

Kindertagesstätte "Wichtelhagen"
Karl-Kellner-Straße 87A
30853 Langenhagen
Funding authority
KITaZirkel e.V.
Bahndamm 3B
30853 Langenhagen
0511/26029893 (Melanie Lindenkamp)
Opening times8:00 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
early care7:30 AM - 8:00 AM o'clock
Closing days- 5 Klausurtage
- 2 Putztage
- 2 Wochen Sommerschließzeit
- Winterschließzeit zwischen Weihnachten und Neujahr
Foreign languages German, English
Specially educational concept daily routine language education, inclusion, open concept, Situation approach
Extras Integrative facility, care with lunch

Current information


Wichtelhagen was opened in September 2011 and is located at Karl-Kellner-Str. 87a in Langenhagen. The day-care center is open from Monday to Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and looks after 28 children with and without disabilities from the age of 10 months until they start school. The "Big Dwarfs" crèche group offers loving care to ten children between the ages of 10 months and 3 years. In addition to the eight regular places, there are two places for children with special needs. In the kindergarten group "Little Giants" eighteen kindergarten children from 3 years to school entry are cared for. This group also has 4 kindergarten places for children who need special support. The facility offers loving all-day care from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. It is possible to register for early and/or late shifts. The facility remains closed on public holidays and during closing times.

A special feature of the Wichtelhagen day-care center is the concept of open pedagogy between the crèche group and the kindergarten group. The children of both age groups play together and support each other. Whether children with or without disabilities - the day care center works according to the motto "together instead of alone".

In addition to the open pedagogy and the educational areas, topics and concerns of the children that are of particular importance to them are taken up in the daily work. Projects, plans, excursions and campaigns are based on the interests of the children and include their current life situation. The needs, feelings and preferences of the children are always at the forefront of the planning.

Children with special needs receive loving and professional care in the day care center, which is based on the individual strengths of the child. In addition to the support provided by the curative education nurse, who is present every day, the team is supported by external therapeutic specialists. The writing of development reports, support plans and regular exchange between the team and parents is a natural part of the work.


Entrance area

In both entrance areas of the Wichtelhagen daycare center, each child has their own compartment with their name and picture. There are also information boards here, where e.g. appointments, inquiries about individual campaigns, letters of introduction from new employees or interns or other important announcements are published. There is also a board for information from parents for parents or for more general notices such as announcements of public children's flea markets or puppet theaters or similar. The written menu plan for the lunch of the week, as well as an overview of the working hours of the pedagogical specialists for the current week can be found here.

A menu with pictures is posted in the group room and is updated daily so the children can see what is for breakfast, lunch and tea time.

Our weekly schedule, on which we provide information about campaigns, excursions and current events, is also accessible to everyone in the group room 

Small group room

Our function room for design and building is located in the small group room. There is also a ball pool and a plateau that offers an area as a retreat. Also in this room is an aquarium with colorful fish.


Movement space

Our exercise room leaves nothing to be desired. Whether with the room swing across the room or large caves are built with our upholstery ... here is room to romp! Various materials encourage the children to follow their natural urge to move and try things out for themselves.

Changing area

In the changing area, each child has their own changing box with nappies and wet wipes. Directly opposite are the sleeping boxes in which comforters, cuddly toys and other sleeping utensils can be stored.

Large group room

The large group room is our functional area for play and movement, as well as for creativity. There is a role play area here, as well as a retreat area, which is great for looking at books and listening to stories, or just sitting back and observing. The creative area encourages the children to express themselves artistically through the various materials. In addition to various opportunities for creative development, there is also space for numerous table and board games at the tables.

Rest and sleeping room

In the cozy bedroom, the children can use the mattresses. During the morning hours, the bedroom can be used as a snoezel room for relaxation.

Outdoor area

On the outdoor area of ​​the Wichtelhagen day care center, children will find everything their heart desires. In addition to a large sandbox, a playhouse, a small climbing element with a swing, a hammock and a nest swing, a water system invites you to "mud" and play. The children can ride back and forth on tricycles, bobby cars and other vehicles on a driving track.

Daily Schedule

07:00 – 08:00 am

Early care (registrations required)

8:00 am – 9:00 am

Delivery time, free play time Parental leave: All parents are welcome to start the day together with their children. Freshly brewed coffee is available every morning in our parent café within the group.

9:00 am – 9:30 am

Welcome circle We greet all children in the morning circle, sing songs, structure the day with fixed rituals and play games. The morning circle is led alternately by one child. Pictograms help children choose songs and games based on these images. Parents are always welcome to take part in our morning circles.

9:30 am – 10:00 am

Breakfast time During breakfast we all sit together at our tables. There is a weekly changing table service for each table. The respective child is then responsible for setting the table. Before that, two responsible children pick up the fully equipped food trolley from the kitchen, and one other child can choose a table saying for each meal, which we then all say together before the meal as an initial ritual.

10:00 am. – 12:00 pm

Time for free play, offers, promotions and excursions

During this time, support offers, free play, offers in the educational areas, excursions and campaigns take place. The children can move freely in both group rooms as well as on the outside area or use our additional "small room above" in small groups.

12:00 pm. – 12:40 pm

Having lunch

Lunch is like breakfast. We all eat together, there is a wagon service, table service and a table saying. At lunchtime, the crèche children clear up first because they are then accompanied to the dormitory to rest there or to take their nap.

1:00 pm. - 1:45 pm

Midday circle

After the meal we sit with the kindergarten children and crèche children who don't want to stay in the bedroom after a rest phase either in the lunch circle and have time for songs, rituals, games and stories. We also use this time for intensive work on current topics and projects. On some days there are also quiet activities where the children can massage each other, for example, or we listen to a radio play and just rest together.    

12:40 pm – 1:00 pm (Group “Big Dwarfs”)

Preparing for sleep and cuddle time. The crèche children are swaddled and changed if necessary and prepared for their afternoon nap.  

1:00 pm. – 2:00 pm

Sleep and cuddle time

Each child is accompanied to sleep according to their individual needs. Children who don't fall asleep are allowed to get up after the cuddle time and take part in everyday group life. All children who have fallen asleep are looked after by a specialist until they wake up again according to their individual sleep needs. Then they are escorted out of the bedroom, swaddled and changed again, and are then allowed to play with the other children in the group room.       

2:30 p.m

Tea time

After the midday group, the children engaged in a quiet play phase with quiet group and play offers. At tea time, everyone sits together again at the tables and has the opportunity to have a small snack in the form of fruit and vegetables or sandwiches or the like.             

2:45 pm. – 4:00 pm

Time for free play, parental leave

Free play in both group rooms and on the outdoor area

4:00 pm. – 5:00 pm

Late duty (registrations required)


Backpack-free and vegetarian (without fish and meat) daycare center 

Meals such as breakfast, lunch and tea time are taken at the daycare centre. The children do not need a backpack, because the kindergarten offers breakfast, lunch and tea time. All dishes are purely vegetarian and mostly in organic quality.  The children decide for themselves what and how much they eat!

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 11/03/2024 17:07:53)