Kindertagesstätte "Kleine Füße"

1 - 3 Jahre

Kindertagesstätte "Kleine Füße"
Hackethalstraße 61
30851 Langenhagen
Funding authority
KITaZirkel e.V.
Bahndamm 3B
30853 Langenhagen
0511/2709414 (Ann-Kathrin Kähler)
Opening times8:00 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysIm Sommer zwei Wochen
Über Weihnachten eine Woche
5 Klausurtage im Jahr
2 Putztage
Specially educational concept open concept, Situation orientated approach
Extras Barrier-free, care with lunch

Current information


The day-care center "Kleine Füße" of the association KITaZirkel e.V. sees itself primarily as a family-supplementing facility. Building a trusting and reliable relationship between children, parents and professionals is of the utmost importance. Achieving this base precedes a positive development of every child.

The "Kleine Füße" works according to the situation-oriented approach. This means that the planning of the work on the child and the goals that are pursued with it are geared to the development of each individual child and to topics of the entire group. It is particularly important to take up current events and life situations as well as questions and suggestions from the children. In this way, individual experiences can be better processed and understood.

The second focus is placed on work in educational areas. The children should be able to gain experience in a variety of ways. Here, too, the focus is on the needs, interests and individual level of development of each child. The pedagogical staff sees itself in the work in educational areas as a source of ideas, as people who show the child and offer to get to know other areas of their environment.

The children are supported according to the legal provisions of § 2KiTaG. The goals of our daycare are therefore:

  • Pick up children where they are
  • To give children space to develop in their rhythm
  • To strengthen children and to support and accompany them in their individual development
  • To strengthen children in their personality
  • Introducing children to socially responsible action
  • To provide children with knowledge and skills that promote independent coping with life within the scope of the respective possibilities of the individual child
  • Cultivate a thirst for knowledge and the joy of learning
  • To promote equal rights for boys and girls educationally
  • To promote interaction between children of different origins and imprints with each othe

Through playful learning and experiencing, the child can develop trust in its surroundings and in itself, as well as enjoy doing things independently. This is done by promoting all areas of the child's personality in a stimulating environment.


The premises are designed in such a way that they invite you to act independently, to move, to form relationships, to work in a concentrated manner and to relax.

Outdoor area

The outdoor area has a nest swing, a children's playhouse, a covered sandpit, a slide and a children's seating area. The outdoor area is spacious and is planted and cared for together with the children and parents. The lawn offers many play opportunities.

Group rooms

Two large group rooms offer the children enough space and play opportunities to try out and occupy themselves individually. Apart from mealtimes and during the morning circle, the children can use both rooms.

Red group room

This room contains, among other things, the movement area with various movement elements for climbing and playing, as well as a role-playing corner with disguises, a doll's stove, a doll's bed and mirror elements, a shop and a plateau.

Green group room

In addition to the children's restaurant, the creative and construction areas are located in the more than 70 square meter room. Both areas are equipped with the associated materials. In this group room there is also a plateau and another retreat that can be used as a reading corner or as a retreat area, especially for the younger children, while they are getting used to it.

Bedroom and rest room

The children stay in the cozy bedroom, which has a plateau, during the rest phase. Most children sleep on mattresses. If you are used to cots or a cradle from home, or if you like to take a nap in a buggy, our facility can provide that too. During the morning hours, the bedroom is used as an additional room and as a retreat for the children.

During the acclimatization period, the new children also rest here outside of the rest phase. Only a short time in our rooms can be very exhausting at the beginning.

The relaxation room is also used for offers in the field of sensory perception, or for small group activities such as looking at picture books, sound massage, autogenic training with children, listening to radio plays like forest noises.

Toilets and changing areas

The part-time children in our facility have access to a changing room equipped with a changing cabinet with integrated compartments for belongings and a children's toilet in the same room. Each child also has their own hook marked with the same symbol as in the cloakroom and a photo with a towel hanging on it. The all-day children have the changing area separate from the children's toilet. The equipment differs from the only in the optics. The adult toilet is accessible to all parents, staff and visitors to the facility.


The kitchen offers a "parents' table" for meetings and a cozy exchange between parents or employees. Parents can help themselves with coffee or tea. Especially during the settling-in period, parents like to make themselves comfortable at the table with a newspaper, so they are close to the children and the child has the opportunity to try things out in the group without parents. In the kitchen there are also individual and small group offers for children. The food is also kept warm here and filled into bowls before being served.

Entrance area and cloakroom

Our cloakroom in the entrance area of ​​our facility offers all children their own hooks as well as shelf space and another compartment for storing personal items such as clothing, bags or cuddly toys. At the beginning of the care in our house, each family designs its own small house with photos of all family members made of craft cardboard to mark the place personally, next to the already existing symbol.

There are two information walls in the hallway. An information wall shows the roster for the current week as well as information about the day care center. Here you can always see which excursions, activities and offers are taking place. The daily offers, events, excursions, etc. are recorded for information on the colorfully designed weekly schedule. In this way, children and parents always have an overview of which activities took place during the week and which are still planned.

In addition, the information board for the parent representatives hangs in the cloakroom. In the entrance area you will also find the pictorial representation of the team. Furthermore, the offers that have taken place are visualized through pictures with the help of a television in the cloakroom. These photos are updated regularly.

Office and meeting room

In addition to administrative work, parents and staff meetings take place here. The pre-registration talks take place in addition to the facility tour, as well as in the office. Regular development talks for parents are held here.

Daily Schedule

The desired educational goals are implemented and supported by the planning of the daily routine and the design of the premises. The daily routine offers the opportunity for free play indoors and outdoors as well as impulses and offers from the different educational areas.

7:00 am. – 8:00 am

Early care with fruit breakfast.

8:00 am – 9:00 am Start of the regular delivery time.

Parental leave: All parents are invited to stay in the facility and to organize the beginning of the day and the farewell with their child/children individually.

9:00 am – 9:15 am Morning circle

The children are welcomed.

9:15 am. – 9:45 am Breakfast together

Breakfast is eaten together with all the children in the children's restaurant.

9:45 am – 11:30am Free Spins and Promotion Period

The children have the opportunity to move freely inside and/or outside. In addition, there are regular offers from the individual educational areas during this time. Excursions and the practical implementation of projects also take place during this time.

11:30 am

We tidy up together outside and inside and do a lunch circle. There we play and sing and wait for the food.

11:45 am Lunch

We have lunch together. Here, too, every child takes and eats it and in whatever quantity it wants.

12:30 pm – 1:00 pm Pick-up phase and start of the rest phase

The children who are looked after half-days in our facility will be picked up during this time. The all-day children are prepared and accompanied for their midday rest. Important: There is no pick-up phase until 3:00 p.m. In the case of exceptions, please inform the ped. staff, other times can be arranged.

3:00 pm – 4:00 pm The afternoon

The pick-up phase begins with the second parental leave of the day. The children have the opportunity to play freely. New offers are started or offers from the morning area are continued. The children have the opportunity to have an afternoon snack during our so-called tea time.


Backpack-free and vegetarian (without fish and meat) daycare center 

Meals such as breakfast, lunch and tea time are taken at the Kleine Fuß daycare centre. The little feet are backpack-free and accordingly the kindergarten offers breakfast, lunch and tea time. All dishes are purely vegetarian and mostly in organic quality.  The children decide for themselves what and how much they eat!

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 20/01/2025 15:59:25)