Städt. Kinderhaus und Familienzentrum an der Daimlerstraße

1 - 14 Jahre

Städt. Kinderhaus und Familienzentrum an der Daimlerstraße
Daimlerstraße 7
84030 Landshut
Funding authority
Stadt Landshut
Luitpoldstraße 27
84034 Landshut
0871/1 43 22 54
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Closing days25 Tage pro Jahr, überwiegend Weihnachten und im August, der Ferienplan wird immer im September bekanntgegeben
Foreign languages Arabic, Czech, German, English, Croatian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Turkish
Specially educational concept child oriented education, daily routine language education, inclusion, intercultural education, livebased approach, partially open concept
Therapeutic support Logopedia, speech therapy, Learning support, Hearing-impaired, occupational therapy, physical therapy, early advancement, disability, mentally handicapped
Extras Barrier-free, Integrative facility, Pets, care with lunch, family counseling, flexible care, for children with special educational needs, full day care, language education
Pets Hund, Achatschnecken, Fische

Current information


The children and family house a.d. Daimlerstraße is a mixed-age day-care center run by the city of Landshut and has existed since 2011. We currently look after around 110 children in a crèche group, four kindergarten groups and two after-school care groups. The two after-school care groups and our family center are housed in the neighboring community center. More than 30 employees are currently employed in the children's home on Daimlerstraße. These are exclusively educational staff. In addition, we have a social worker, a curative worker and inclusion specialists.

General information

opening hours

Our house is open Monday to Friday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. We are closed a maximum of 25 days a year. The holiday schedule is announced each autumn.


In our house we pay great attention to a varied and healthy diet. We are in the process of converting the food we offer to organic quality. But for us, eating is more than just nourishment. It is a joint educational offer for the children, where there are also rules and limits, but where a nice togetherness with the children is important to us. The children are involved in all the work that needs to be done (e.g. setting and clearing the table, loading the dishwasher, etc.). Lunch is delivered fresh to our children's home every day. The children also have a snack twice a day, which is bought and prepared together with the children.


At the beginning of the kindergarten year, the parents decide how many hours they want to bring their child to the facility. The parental contribution is calculated according to the hours booked and is based on the fee statute of the city of Landshut. The fees are debited directly by the city of Landshut 12 months a year.

The allocation of places in the children's home at the beginning of the kindergarten year (September) usually takes place in March.

We work inclusively, partly openly with an extended mix of ages, i.e. children of all groups and ages, with and without disabilities, can play together. The basis of all our educational activities is the positive and appreciative view of each individual child. We would like to welcome every child with their personal resources and characteristics in our house and offer them the best possible development opportunities. Parents play an important role in our work. In a close upbringing and educational partnership, a daily exchange with the parents is maintained and they are actively involved in everyday group life. A weekly parents' cafe is held in the entrance area for exchange between the parents and the day-care center staff. Outdoor exercise is very important to us. Therefore, we use our outdoor area all year round, regardless of the weather. Our work is enriched and supplemented by intensive networking with many cooperation partners, the early intervention center, speech therapists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, schools, reading mentors, the city youth council and the voluntary agency Landshut (FALA). We are currently participating in the federal program "Language Kitas", a funding program of the Federal Ministry for Families, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth. The team is supported by an additional language consultant in the three fields of action: language, inclusion and working with families. In our house we offer animal-assisted education through a dog that regularly visits the children in the facility. Children learn how to deal with the animal properly and are trained in their social behavior, consideration and acceptance of boundaries.


The Daimlerstraße children's home is a low-rise building at ground level.

The crèche and the 4 kindergarten groups are housed in the main building, as well as a gym and various adjoining rooms. The crèche has an adjoining room, which is mainly used as a dining area, as well as a bedroom, a wash and changing room and a spacious corridor area that also serves as a play area. In addition to the spacious group rooms, there is also a learning workshop/painting studio in the kindergarten. We also have a large garden with mature trees where our children can always play. The two after-school care groups are in the immediate vicinity of the community center and also have their own playground and access to the soccer field. Upstairs there are 4 rooms where the children can play and do their homework. Our family center is also located in the community center, where our social worker offers various offers for our families.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 21/03/2025 08:58:17)