Außenstelle Naturgruppen am Hofgarten - Städt. Kindergarten & Hort am Brauneckweg

Alter von 3 Jahren bis zum Schuleintritt

Außenstelle Naturgruppen am Hofgarten - Städt. Kindergarten & Hort am Brauneckweg
Edmund-Jörg-Str. / Parkplatz Hofgarten -
84036 Landshut
Funding authority
Stadt Landshut
Luitpoldstraße 27
84034 Landshut
0871/6 22 83 (Frau Elisabeth Kraemer)
Opening times7:30 AM - 2:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysDie Einrichtung ist an 25 Tagen geschlossen und es sind zusätzliche Schließtage für Fortbildungen/Teamtage vorgesehen.
Extras Child care with special focus on environmental education


The nature groups at the Hofgarten consist of two kindergarten groups, each with its own outdoor area and heated construction trailer in a shared, demarcated and fenced area at the castle car park at the Hofgarten.

Two groups:

"Rumschleicher" and "Wurzelhopser"

A maximum of 20 children per group

Age from 3 years to school

entry Name, age-dependent classification of children within the group:

3-4 years - "Zamperl"

4-5 years - "Muggerl"

6-7 years - "slacker"

The children entrusted to us are looked after by trained, educational specialists during the care period.

Kindergarten places for the next kindergarten year (September) are allocated in March.

We offer you as parents A family-friendly, natural facility where the focus is on the child.

Regulated opening times:

Monday - Thursday 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Friday 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. 

Daily early shift from 7.30 a.m. for working parents 

Delivery time: 8:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. 

1. Pick-up time: 12.30 p.m. to 1 p.m. 

2. Pick-up time: 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.

The facility is closed for 25 days and there are additional closing days for training / team days. 

Pedagogically trained staff 

Advice and support for questions about your child



The nature groups are located directly at the castle car park of the Hofgarten Landshut.


Nature groups at the Hofgarten

Rumschleicher Tel .: 0151 - 65 82 96 63

Root hoppers Tel .: 0151 - 12 17 67 04

The nature groups at the Hofgarten are the municipal kindergarten & after-school care center "Am Brauneckweg" affiliated:

City Kindergarten & after-school care "On the Brauneckweg"

Ms. Elisabeth Kraemer (facility manager)

Brauneckweg 12

84034 Landshut

Tel .: 0871 - 6 22 83

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/03/2025 10:16:06)