Kinderkrippe Schatzinsel

6 Monate bis Kindergartenübertritt

Kinderkrippe Schatzinsel
Veichtederpointweg 20
84036 Landshut
Funding authority
Theresa Niedermaier
Veichtederpointweg 20
84036 Landshut
0871/2 75 95 19 (Zentralverwaltung)
Opening times7:00 AM - 5:00 PM o'clock
late care4:30 PM - 5:00 PM o'clock
Closing days33 Schließtage inkl. 3 Fortbildungstage;
Specially educational concept child oriented education, inclusion, Emmi Pikler
Extras care with lunch, flexible care, full day care
Pets nein

Current information

Due to the high demand, we currently only accept children with main residence in the city of Landshut.


Special features of our Schatzinsel:

  • we take care of your children in a peaceful atmosphere, thanks to our special small group concept

  • we offer flexible booking times from 7 a. m. to 5 p. m.

  • Your child receives a healthy, full-fledged meal and a child-friendly and health-promoting lunch according to the guidelines of the German Nutrition Society (DGE)

  • every day we are in the fresh air

  • we celebrate the festivities in the year round and we cordially invite you to join us (St. Martin, Nicholas, Easter . . . . )

  • we regularly look at your child and offer you an annual developmental interview about your child

  • we make a portfolio book for your child

  • we pave the way for the transiton to "Kindergarten" and visit the local instituions

"All inclusive" package:

You bring your child in the morning or at noon and can go carefree to work or otherwise organize your day. You only need to bring diapers for your darling. All the things your child needs to feel good are welcome.


The regular allocation of places takes place in February for the following year of the nursery.

Starts from September to January. Outside these months, new children are accepted only spontaneously.


Daily Schedule

Our daily routine is very much oriented to the needs of the children.

Our room concept makes it possible for us to always separate the group of 12 children, so that we meet the different needs as much as possible.

On arrival, some children are already very active and want to use the play area. Another child is still tired in the morning and wants to arrive in the quiet cuddly corner on the lap of the pedagogical force.

Breadtime also takes place in small groups and is thus offered several times in a row, so that we can orient ourselves towards the children and the child can concentrate on the meal in a quiet atmosphere.

Since coping with everyday tasks (e. g. washing hands) is the most important learning content for children at the age of 0 - 3, we take a lot of time for this and also organize our day accordingly.

Of course, we also offer educational units, such as singing circles, gymnastics lessons, special offers for the children at the age of  2 - 3 years. Depending on their level of development and interest, the children take part.




Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 08/12/2023 14:56:40)