Städt. Kinderkrippe An der Ingbert-Naab-Straße

1 -3 Jahre

Städt. Kinderkrippe An der Ingbert-Naab-Straße
Ingbert-Naab-Straße 26
84032 Landshut
Funding authority
Stadt Landshut
Luitpoldstraße 27
84034 Landshut
0871/14 35 70 30 (Theßeling Manuela)
Opening times6:30 AM - 6:00 PM o'clock
early care6:30 AM - 7:00 AM o'clock
late care4:30 PM - 6:00 PM o'clock
Closing days26
Foreign languages German, English
Specially educational concept child oriented education, daily routine language education, inclusion, intercultural education, livebased approach, partially open concept, Situation orientated approach
Extras Barrier-free, care with lunch, flexible care, full day care


Dear parents,

we are an urban crèche for 24 children aged 1 - 3 years.

Our facility is located in the St. Wolfgang settlement, in a quiet location in Landshut, about 3 km from the city center.

Our house has 14 rooms, these are divided into 2 nest groups and 6 different themed rooms (e.g. music, creative, exercise room ...). In the other rooms there is our children's bistro, bedrooms and the children's oasis (washing / splashing and changing area).

The interior is surrounded by a small / fine garden that invites you to play.

Important information for the new crèche places from September each calendar year.

These will be awarded by us from March/April and we will then contact you.



In our house there are:

- 1 children's bistro, with 1 further dining room

- 1 large / open corridor with closed wardrobes

- Nest 1

- Nest 2

- 1 installation space

- 2 bedrooms

- 1 role play

- 1 creative room

- 1 music / meeting room

- 1 room to move

- 1 children's oasis (washing / splashing and changing area)

- Staff room + office


Outdoor Facilities

We have a beautiful little garden that goes around our house.

We have the possibility to go outside from every room.

Our outdoor facility is still under construction and is expected to be completed this summer.

So far we have:

- 1 sandpit

- 1 rocking animal


Daily Schedule

We work situation-oriented and therefore our daily routine adapts to the needs / wishes of our children.

6.30 a.m. - 8.45 a.m.

8 a.m. - 10 a.m. sliding snack

9:00 am Participation circle

9.15 a.m. - 11.15 a.m. free spins (indoor and outdoor)

                              educational offers

11.30 a.m. - 12 noon lunch

12 p.m. - 2 p.m.

3 p.m. - 4 p.m. sliding snack

2 p.m. - 6 p.m. open free spins (indoors and outdoors)

                             educational offers

Our changing times are based on the needs of children.



Breakfast / snack:

Our parents bring a portion of our breakfast buffet with them each week (breakfast list).

We prepare fresh balanced breakfasts of these foods every day.

We also go shopping with our children at regular intervals to enrich our buffet with small delicacies.


Having lunch:

Our facility benefits from the nearby urban Kastanienburg.

They cook a fresh and healthy meal for us every day.

This is brought up by a housekeeper and lovingly arranged for the children.


Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/07/2024 09:43:07)

Offered care types at Jul 27, 2024:

Kind of care


Every child is unique, it has its own personality and individuality. We respect each child as a unique personality that we value and support in their individuality. In our crèche, your child should be accepted as a person, feel comfortable in the group and in the entire facility and be able to move freely. We achieve this through empathetic attention and reflective accompaniment to children's development.


Our pedagogical team currently consists of 2 educators, 1 pedagogical specialist and 4 nannies.

A housekeeper is responsible for food supply and housekeeping, and a caretaker is employed on a part-time basis for minor repairs and gardening.



Our educational team currently consists of educators, pedagogical specialists and nannies.

In order to support young people, we are also in close contact with pedagogical schools and instruct future nannies and educators in various internships.

Additional Offerings

The movement of the children is a special focus for our team.

With us, the children spread a lot of activities throughout the day such as climbing, sliding, gymnastics, jumping, running, balancing, romping, swinging ... and above all regular exercise in the fresh air.

We visit various playgrounds, the flood trough, our neighboring facilities and plan trips to the forest and fields.

This is important to us, as brain research has found that enjoying physical activity increases concentration and receptivity.

We give the children a lot of food for the brain through free play and these sporting activities.

Quality Assurance

It is important to us to continue training and develop qualitatively.

For this we use seminars, business meetings, concept days, supervision, PQB (educational quality support) and pedagogical teaching / further education.

We are also in regular exchange with other institutions (day care centers / koki / youth welfare office ...)


We cooperate with:

- Specialist advice / youth office

- Specialist services / therapists

- Parents' Advisory Board

- interns and training institutes

- Cooperation with other city institutions

- Child protection officer

Teamwork with school

Not relevant in this age group.

Teamwork with parents

For a successful education and upbringing partnership, it is essential to maintain close, trusting and appreciative cooperation with the parents.

The skills of the parents and their involvement in the facility are important to us.

You are "the experts for your child" and nobody knows your child better than you!


Importance of playing.

The game is the work of children and therefore the most important form of activity in their lives.

In the game, the child processes his impressions and experiences, makes new experiences, tries out, imitates activities from the adult world and receives confirmation.

The child has the opportunity to make contacts, build friendships and resolve conflicts.

It can express its feelings, train its senses and experience its body.

It learns about rules and games and has the opportunity to process its impressions in role-playing and creative design.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/07/2024 09:43:07)


News / information boards are an important tool to make the quality of our work visible to you.

We post important information in front of the group rooms and in the entrance area for the parents,

just like photos of activities and experiences.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/07/2024 09:43:07)
Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/07/2024 09:43:07)

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