The Diakonische Werk Landshut e. V. deliberately decided to welcome all children. We want to empower children in their individuality and personal development and enable them to live together in society.
The free play and the garden experience and movement space are central cornerstones of our daily routine. Orientation to the Christian festival circle and cooperation with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Resurrection are visible signs of our work in kindergarten.
Daycare places for the next kindergarten year (September) are allocated in February.
We have children with special needs together with other children in a kindergarten group. We understand integrative education as a process of giving and taking. In the common game, the children learn with and from each other. We are also supported by external therapists.
We would like to see each other for the benefit of the children and would be happy to talk to the parents. With us you will experience that your concerns are taken seriously, no matter how big or small. Transparency is an important part of our work. Regular exchange is therefore sensible and necessary.
Reflective work with intensive preparation and follow-up is an essential part of realizing our qualified educational work.