For us, the child is the central person
We consider the child to be an independent personality. We are aware that all children have their own thougts, feelings, desires and ideas that we respond to and that we respect.
Independent Personality
For us, our foremost goal is to enable the children to become independent and life-affirming personalities. They shall learn to take responsibility for their own actions in society. By knowing and learning to handfle their experience, their own strengths and weaknesses, they realise the limits of their own personality which strengthens their self-confidence.
Philosophising children
We promote the children´s ability to critically review their own actions and their own thoughts on various topics or problems. That is - among others - why we included the project "Philosophising children" in our programme. We offer the children an environment in which they can develop the ability to find their own way and fell at ease in a community.
Experienced, professional, competent
For all this, you need a positive atmosphere in an educational facility with an experienced, professional, competent and cheerful team. palladi daycare fulfills all these requrirements perfectly.
An important element of promoting children and teenagers in the palladi daycare is professional help with the children´s homework and tutorin.
Holistic educational approach
In order to ensure that tutoring can be carried out successfully, we only work with qualified personnel and a holistic educational approach, as we think that testing on vocabulary and memorising formulas alone is not enough to achieve a long-term success for our protégés. Successful induviduals need goals, planning, knowledge about their brains and health, values, motivation, self-confidende and perseverance.
The language
Our society does not live in an ideal world, but we still have to find our way in it and try to be successful in our actions. This is not always easy to master. For this, language is the most important means of communication. Being alble to express oneself and to speak about oneself helps the pupils to communicate their needs and interests, to make themselves heard and to assert themselves.In our work, we are highly committed to having conversations with the children. Our team members are patient, empathetic listeners and trained in solution-focussed coaching, and it goes without saying, we take part in regular further training events.In such a positive environment, it is definitely easier for the children to face all school challenges they are confronted with.
Your child´s success is important to us!