Hort Palladi

1. bis 11. Klasse aller Schularten

Hort Palladi
Freyung 630
84028 Landshut
Funding authority
Stiftung Studienseminar
Freyung 630
84028 Landshut
0871/97 45 32 94 (Herr Föckersperger)
Opening times9:00 AM - 4:30 PM o'clock
late care4:30 PM - 5:30 PM o'clock
Closing days27
Specially educational concept child oriented education, inclusion, intercultural education, Kinderkunsthaus, livebased approach, open concept, Situation orientated approach
Extras Integrative facility, care with lunch, for children with special educational needs


Welcome to the palladi daycare at the foot of the Hofberg!

Our facility is an integrative daycare institution with five groups in the city centre. We have room for 115 children aged 6 - 16.  

Opening hours: 

Monday - Thursday from 9.00 a. m.  - 5.30 p.m.,

Friday from 9.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m                                         

Pick-up time: flexible arrangement within the booking period.

The parents are informed about the respective closing days of the facility at the beginning of each school year to allow better holiday planning.

Our Team:                                                                                                                                                                               The children we are entrusted with are looked after by qualified pedagogical staff: State approved childcare workers, childcare assistants, trainees form vocational schools, inclusion specialists, remedial education specialists, childcare specialists, life coaches, arts teacher

Our focus:           

Homework assistance

Leisure activities





Allocation period                                                                                                                              

The allocation of after-school care places for the next school year takes place in April.







Our children have five large group rooms at their disposal for homework and learning.



The leisure room is the space where the children spend most of their time. It is open to the children before lunch. Among others, there is a Lego corner, separated by shelves, to allow the children more space and peace while playing. On the opposite side, there is a couch and a table with various books, where the children can read and rest. Another two tables are positioned in the centre of the room, where various table games can be played. On the left side of the room, there is a kitchenette vor the regular bar event "KiBar".


KiBar is our kids´bar, which takes place three times a week. There, the children can buy refreshing drinks, eat various snacks and do a little bit of housework themselves. In the front, there is a counter table for the bar and two bistro tables with chairs for eating and drinking the bought KiBar items. Whenever there is no KiBar, playing is allowed all over the place.



Our in-house studio (originally from the French word "atelier" for "workshop") is the space for the creative. Creativity is a skill that is not only required for works of art... Many problems can excellently be solved creatively according to the motto: "Don´t think in difficulties, but in challenges". A protected room, bright colours, good paper, a varety of tools and materials for different painting, design and handicraft techniques are available. Experienced as well as (yet) inexperienced painters, hobbyists and craftsmen are equally welcome.


The room "School of Life" was established early in 2016. It is used for learning and for specific offers by our special needs educvation services. Children and teenagers in special situations, who cannot learn and concentrate easily, may use this room for homeword and learning. This room is also open for certain group work or the preparation of joint presentations.

Outdoor Facilities

Our children and teenagers can use our large outdoor premises at any time. In the leisure room, there is a locked closet with footballs, basketballs, frisbees, badminton rackets and much more. Anyone can borrow something against a deposit (key, mobile phone, pencil case, jacket..) and return it later in excange for their deposit. The hard court on our site is also the sports ground of the Hans-Carossa-Gymnasium, which we use together.


four basketball baskets

one running track

one hard court with two football goals

one wal for "wall balls"

one large grass pitch, also with two goals

A few beer benches, tables and sunshades are set up right at the exit to the outdoor area. There, our daycare children like to play board games or they just "chill". The new climbing frame with swings and gymnastics bar is located in our separate garden section. Especially for our youngest, this is a great place to work out and gain some distance after the stressful school life. 

Daily Schedule

Lunch is available from 12.00 p.m. to 2.00 p.m.Afterwards, the children have to do their homework and revise the material to be studied, which is then checked by our competent staff. From 2.00 p.m. to 5.30 p.m., the children can take part in various leisure activities and projects.


For the children, the arribal at the daycare ist usually followed by a yummy lunch in our cafeteria. In their group rooms, meal vouchers are available, that they hand over to the kitchen staff in the cafeteria. They can eat there between 12.00 p.m. and 2.15 p.m. With three different dishes, there is usually always something for everybody. One meat dish, one vegetarian dish and one dish for pupils with a sweet tooth. The children often use lunchetime to chat about everyday school life with their friends and enjoy beeing together.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/07/2024 02:43:02)

Offered care types at Jul 27, 2024:

Kind of care
 Hort (Nach der Schule)



For us, the child is the central person

We consider the child to be an independent personality. We are aware that all children have their own thougts, feelings, desires and ideas that we respond to and that we respect.

Independent Personality

For us, our foremost goal is to enable the children to become independent and life-affirming personalities. They shall learn to take responsibility for their own actions in society. By knowing and learning to handfle their experience, their own strengths and weaknesses, they realise the limits of their own personality which strengthens their self-confidence.

Philosophising children

We promote the children´s ability to critically review their own actions and their own thoughts on various topics or problems. That is - among others - why we included the project "Philosophising children" in our programme. We offer the children an environment in which they can develop the ability to find their own way and fell at ease in a community. 

Experienced, professional, competent

For all this, you need a positive atmosphere in an  educational facility with an experienced, professional, competent and cheerful team. palladi daycare fulfills all these requrirements perfectly.


An important element of promoting children and teenagers in the palladi daycare is professional help with the children´s homework and tutorin.

Holistic educational approach

In order to ensure that tutoring can be carried out successfully, we only work with qualified personnel and a holistic educational approach, as we think that testing on vocabulary and memorising formulas alone is not enough to achieve a long-term success for our protégés. Successful induviduals need goals, planning, knowledge about their  brains and health, values, motivation, self-confidende and perseverance.

The language

Our society does not live in an ideal world, but we still have to find our way in it and try to be successful in our actions. This is not always easy to master. For this, language is the most important means of communication. Being alble to express oneself and to speak about oneself helps the pupils to communicate their needs and interests, to make themselves heard and to assert themselves.In our work, we are highly committed to having conversations with the children. Our team members are patient, empathetic listeners and trained in solution-focussed coaching, and it goes without saying, we take part in regular further training events.In such a positive environment, it is definitely easier for the children to face all school challenges they are confronted with.

Your child´s success is important to us!

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Studio "Colour Space"

In our artists´studio called "Colour Space", our children and teenagers have the opportunity to paint and draw independetly or under guidance three days a week.


Archery for EVERYONE

At palladi daycare, archery is not a contest or a sport desinged for competition. The focus is to enjoy doing something together - against the background of inclusion as a guiding principle. The natural interaction of different children and teenagers with different strengths and abilieties as well as the fun of a common leisure activity have top priority for the palladi team. 



As an integrative approach, we offer climing under guidance of a certified instructor at the indoor climbing centre of Landshut. 

Holiday Care




We offer holiday childcare at the palladi daycare facility for children from the first class onward."External" children who are not registered in the palladi daycare can also take part in the holiday programme.



Care time during holidays begins at 7.45 a. m. and ends at 3 p.m. Every day starts with breakfasting together. In the mornings, there are activities and/or excursions. At 12.00 p.m. the children get a warm lunch (except for day trips -> a snack), afterwards we end the day (until 3.00 p.m.) with joint recreational activities. Participation in the holiday programme is of course voluntary. 

Homework Support


In our facility, the pupils can do their  homework, prepare systematically for their next school day or upcoming tests with the help of our qualified team or on their own anytime from their arrival until 5.30 p.m.



We check that the children have cvompleted their entire written homework. If they still have questions about the material to be studied, they can ask our qualified team or use the computer with internet access, which has been provided especially for school purposes. During this time, we convey work and study techniques to the pupils that help them to work independently.

Parental Interviews

We are constantly striving to improve the quality of our work and therefore carry out parent surveys at regular intervals.

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The fees are payable for 11 months per year and depend on the hours booked, the type of school and the grade.

Lunch at the in-house cafeteria is offered at a flat monthly fee.



Registration is generally possible all year round, provided there are free spaces available.

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Description and Stations

Our facility is located quietly and centrally in the Freyung at the foot of the Hofberg, away from major traffic routes. St. Jodok church is oppisite of the palladi daycare, next to is the Hans-Carossa-Gymnasium. We are easy to reach by public transport.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/07/2024 02:43:02)

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