Tagespflegestelle 05

Funding authority
Fachdienst Kindertagespflege der Familienzentrum Kinderland Lörrach gGmbH
Baumgartnerstraße 33
79540 Lörrach
07621/424 998 5 (Fachdienst Kindertagespflege)
Opening times12:00 AM - 12:00 AM o'clock
Closing daysDie Betreuungszeit wird in Absprache mit den Eltern vereinbart.
Extras flexible care

Current information


The term “Kindertagespflege” refers to child care arrangements with qualified childminders (Tagesmutter / Tagesvater) either in their own household, the parents’ household or in facilities which are rented specifically for this purpose.

A qualified childminder (Tagesmutter / Tagesvater) can look after up to five children at a time or up to seven children if they set up business with another qualified childminder. If one of these childminders has a previous pedagogical qualification, up to 9 children can be cared for.

For children under the age of 3, “Kindertagespflege” is an alternative to early years settings such as crèches, for children aged between 3 and 14, “Kindertagespflege” can be set up in addition to a place at playschool / kindergarten or school.    

The “Fachdienst Kindertagespflege Lörrach” is a special agency responsible for the qualification of childminders and for the support of both parents and childminders. It is part of the Familienzentrum Kinderland Lörrach gGmbH (which also runs a family centre and two early years settings).  The “Fachdienst Kindertagespflege Lörrach” is one of four such agencies in the district of Lörrach (covering the city of Lörrach and Inzlingen) and works in close partnership with local children’s services.

Our aim is to find a suitable match, a childminder who will meet both the child’s needs and the parents’ needs. Some childminders even offer their services at weekends, during school holidays and overnight.  We only work with childminders who are qualified and approved by us. The childminders continue their learning through further education and communicate constantly with us and with other childminders in our area.

Parents are legally entitled to our support. We will advise you on costs and childcare grants.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 07/08/2024 14:40:11)