Familienzentrum ev. Kita Emmaus Büren


Familienzentrum ev. Kita Emmaus Büren
Bahnhofstraße 42
33142 Büren
Funding authority
Verband der Ev. Kirchenkreise Bielefeld, Gütersloh, Halle und Paderborn
Moltkestraße 12
33330 Gütersloh
02951 3441 (Angelika Schmidt)
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:15 PM o'clock
Closing days27 Schließtage
-Alle Schließtage werden rechtzeitig vorher angekündigt.
Foreign languages German, English, Russian, Turkish
Denomination evangelic
Specially educational concept child oriented education, daily routine language education, inclusion, intercultural education, partially open concept, Situation approach, Situation orientated approach
Extras Child care for physical education, Integrative facility, Parents center, care with lunch, company Kindergarten, cooperation facility, curative pedagogy facility, ergotherapy, family counseling, for children with special educational needs, full day care, language education
Pets Nein

Current information




Living together
living and respecting each other
Being there for each other
being there for each other in all situations

As a day care center and Protestant family center Emmaus of the Protestant parish Büren- Fürstenberg in sponsorship of the “Association of Day Care Centers for Children in the Protestant Church District of Paderborn”, we are a family-supporting and supportive institution. We are guided by the legal requirements, such as KiBiz, etc. and educational agreements and implement these.     
Our management style challenges and supports all employees equally and contributes to building a sense of community. The provider is jointly responsible for ensuring that educational staff can work together without disruption. 
The child is at the center of our educational work. We see each child as an independent personality with their own needs, strengths and individual circumstances. Our work is situation-oriented and cross-group.    The participation of the children is important to us in order to promote their independence and strengthen their self-esteem. We also focus on the areas of ecology and economic efficiency. Key points such as sustainability, recycling and home-grown produce are particularly important.                                                                                                                                                                                 We face up to the constantly changing demands of economic development and make sure that our range of services - care, upbringing and education - is of a high quality. In order to further develop our quality, we regularly undergo further training and ensure that all teaching staff benefit from this. Our daycare center explores the world with the children.              We are supported in this by cooperation partners such as the youth welfare office, schools, doctors, therapists, special education centers and counseling centers. Our living environment also includes the police, fire department, bakery, youth forest home and retirement home. 

As educators, it is important to us to be reliable caregivers for children and parents. We treat everyone with respect and appreciation “I accept you as you are.”                                                                          
In celebrating services and devotions in church and at the daycare center, as well as in everyday life, we live the Christian faith and discover together other faiths of our children and fellow human beings. We experience the good cooperation with the Protestant parish of Büren-Fürstenberg as mutually enriching.             

Together we create time and space for a lively exchange between educators, children and parents. We take a loving approach to the needs and individual development of the children and support them in their daily interactions. Everyone is allowed to contribute their strengths and abilities so that everyone feels comfortable and accepted.                                        Child protection is a central task in our educational work. Protecting children from danger is our top priority. Every child has the right to grow up in a healthy and child-friendly environment.


Rooms and their design
Our rooms are designed in such a way that the children have sufficient opportunities for movement, which they can use extensively and still offer a homely atmosphere. They are attractively designed to satisfy children's curiosity and their need to feel comfortable and secure, to experiment and to develop their imagination and inventiveness.

The two floors are divided as follows:                                                                                                                    - three group rooms with adjoining room
- three washrooms with toilets and changing area
- a creative/craft room
- a gym
- one staff room
- two bedrooms
- two staff toilets (+ toilets in the family center)
- one office
- two kitchens (+ one in the family center)
- an additional large event room for the family center


Outdoor Facilities

The outdoor area includes:
- an open meadow for running, romping, balancing and playing
- a paved area for riding vehicles (tricycles, balance bikes, etc.)
- a hill to roll down and slide down
- Grass, plants and bushes to hide in
- a large sandpit with a water pump and a mud track as well as a fishing hut with a jetty 
- a playhouse
- horizontal bars
- two large swings
- a bird's nest swing
- Balancing beam to the tower to which a slide is attached
- trampoline
- large exercise building site
- a small house for the vehicles
- a house for the baby carriages
- a shed for the sand toys
- an extra U3 area (separated again by a fence so that the little ones can move and develop freely) with a sandpit, two small swings, a path for vehicles and a hut for fun and games

Daily Schedule

Daily routine/ A day with us

7.00 a.m. - 9.00 a.m. regular drop-off phase

from 9.00 a.m. morning circle in all groups, followed by 
-Breakfast together (in the Mice group)
-Breakfast on the go in the bear and ladybug groups from 7.30 a.m. to 10.00 a.m.
(During this time, the children can decide for themselves when they want to have breakfast)

9.00 a.m. - 11.00 a.m. Free play and activity phase
(During this time, the children can play freely in the
group rooms/in the corridor in front of the group  
and can then also take part in guided activities).
from 10.00 a.m. - 11.00 a.m. on three days of the week
the children in the Bear and Ladybird groups can also
can also sign up for a play area in the 
sign up for a play area 
The monthly and weekly calendars show the respective   
the groups are listed! 

Approx. 11.15 a.m. - 12.00 p.m. Chair circle
(During this time, there is a group-internal circle with different activities for
all children in the group, a circle with various games
games, stories etc.)

Or free play in the outdoor area

12.00 p.m. - 12.15 p.m. Pick-up time for the kindergarten children

12.00 p.m. - late 12.45 p.m. Lunch for the daycare children

Approx. 12.45 p.m. - 1.00 p.m. Lunch break
(During this time the kindergarten is closed for 
kindergarten children, the daycare
daycare children sleep during this time or rest in
rest in the groups/play quietly)

From 2.00 p.m. - 4.00 p.m. Free play and offer phase/ pick-up phase begins
(Projects or activities from the morning are continued

4.00 p.m. - 4.15 p.m. Pick-up phase
By arrangement, the children can also be picked up earlier
picked up earlier.
(The kindergarten is closed from 4.15 p.m.)


The Kretzer restaurant in Büren supplies our daycare center with hot lunches.
It is only a few meters away from the Emmaus Family Center and is therefore always delivered fresh at 12 noon.                    If necessary, we sit down with the restaurant staff or briefly discuss important matters when the food is delivered.
For example, we discuss the quantities, special requirements such as allergies or the children's wishes and suggestions that can be incorporated into the plan. 

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 25/09/2024 23:48:31)