Kita Sälzer Krümel

Kinder von 1 bis 6 Jahren

Kita Sälzer Krümel
Clara-Pfänder-Str. 17
33154 Salzkotten
Funding authority
Stadt Salzkotten
Marktstr. 8
33154 Salzkotten
05258 937013 (Frau Jana Müller)
Opening times7:15 AM - 4:15 PM o'clock
Closing daysmax. 25 Schließtage,
15 Tage Sommerferien,
zwischen Weihnachten und Neujahr,
Freitag nach Christi Himmelfahrt,
2 pädagogische Tage
Specially educational concept daily routine language education, inclusion, Situation orientated approach
Extras Child care for physical education, Integrative facility, care with lunch, full day care

Current information





We are pleased that you are interested in our movement kindergarten Sälzerkrümel. On the following pages we introduce ourselves briefly. Further, detailed and up-to-date information can be found on our homepage. 

Our facility is located in the center of Salzkotten and consists of 2 houses.

The house 1 started in 2003 with 2 kindergarten groups for children aged 3-6 years. In 2007, in a one-off construction campaign on a weekend, the third group for children from 3-6 years was added. After an increased need for kindergarten places for children under 3 years of age became apparent, an expansion of the Sälzerkrümel was decided by the city of Salzkotten. Since there was no possibility of expansion on the existing site, another house was planned on a site in the immediate vicinity. In 2009, the house 2, which is only separated by the street "Papenbrede", was added.

house 2 accommodates 2 kindergarten groups for children aged 1-3 years. The kindergarten children switch to the "house 1" at about 3 years of age, at the beginning of the new kindergarten year.

Although we are 2 houses with a total of 5 groups, 83 children,19 educators and 2 daily helpers, we see ourselves as a unit. 



Indoor premises

House I

The "house 1" has an open-plan entrance hall with a bouldering wall, ball pools and other opportunities for movement. The management's office is located next to the entrance. In Krümel 1 there are three group rooms with a cloakroom, washroom and adjoining room. Each group has access to the outdoor area. There is also a café where the children have breakfast across groups. Next to the café there is a large gym, with storage room for gymnastics materials and a bedroom. A large kitchen with additional children's kitchenette offers space for housekeeping activities. Starting from the staff corridor there is a staff toilet with changing area and shower, a staff room and a large material room.

House 2

The "house 2" has a large entrance and hallway area. Adjacent there is a staff room and toilet, a kitchen, a gym and bedroom. In house 2 there are two group rooms, each with a cloakroom area and laundry room. Each group has a large adjoining room and access to the outdoor area.

Outdoor Facilities

Both houses have an attractive outdoor area that meets the individual exercise needs of the children. Whether it's a sandpit, mud facility or climbing frame, the selection of individual equipment invites you to climb and move.

Daily Schedule

Exemplary Daily routine

For all children, the day begins in thier own grouproom with activities of their own choise or already instructed offers. A child can eat his or her breakfast in the cfé in a selfdetermined way, accompanied by pedagogical specialists. After the morning free ply time, exercise offers, play circles or individual play often take place on the outdoor area. In small groups, lunch in then eaten together. This is foloowed by a rest or quiet game phase to create a balance to the intensive morning. In the afternoon, there is often crossgroup play, which children prefer to enjoy outside in motion.



As a movement kindergarten, we attach great importance to a healthy and balanced breakfast. Each child can decide what and how much or how little he wants to eat. Young children in particular have a good feeling for knowing when they are full or hungry. We trust in the individual feeling of satiety and self-regulation of each child. Please do not give your child any nuts (risk of swallowing and allergy trigger). In the case of small foods such as cocktail tomatoes, grapes or the like, please make sure to cut them if necessary to prevent the risk of swallowing. For breakfast we offer drinks to the children. These are always available to the children outside of meals. Once a month, a healthy breakfast takes place within the individual groups, our so-called "Muesli Day". You will be informed in advance about the muesli day.


In a cozy atmosphere, the children enjoy lunch time in a small group.To encourage independence and table rules, the food is served in bowls so that the children can fill up individually and according to their age. Each child decides what he likes from lunch and wants to try. Drinks (mineral water and still water) as well as raw vegetables and dessert are offered at each lunch.

Lunch is delivered fresh daily by the company Esslust from Wewer. The caterer concludes a direct contract with each family.




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