Naturkita auf dem Ruhbauernhof

3 Jahre bis Schuleintritt

Naturkita auf dem Ruhbauernhof
Dietenbach 9
79199 Kirchzarten
Funding authority
KiBiDs gGmbH
Freiburger Straße 6
79199 Kirchzarten
0162 58 476 28
Opening times7:30 AM - 1:30 PM o'clock
Closing days26
Specially educational concept livebased approach, nature education
Extras Farmstead Kindergarten, Pets
Pets Tiere des Ruhbauernhofs: Milchkühe, Hühner, Hunde, Katzen, Hasen, Ponys, Esel, Schweine, Lamas, Alpakas


Our nature nursery is centrally located on the grounds of the Ruhbauernhof.

Our activities and goals, are directly related to life on the farm, nothing is artificial. In addition to the seasons, natural cycles and weather phenomena, the daily work on the Ruhbauernhof also guides our activities. We give the children the opportunity to get seriously involved in these activities. The contact with the animals contributes to peace and relaxation. At the same time, they provide emotional and social support.


Children bring their own snacks and lunch.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 06/04/2023 13:08:54)