Burger Kinderhaus

1-3 Jahre U 3 3-6 Jahre Ü 3

Burger Kinderhaus
Keltenring 172
79199 Kirchzarten
Funding authority
Gemeinde Kichzarten
Talvogteistr. 12
79199 Kirchzarten
07661/3318 (Silke Ambrosy)
07661/3318 (Lilli Ballardt)
Opening times7:30 AM - 5:00 PM o'clock
late care4:30 PM - 5:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysDie Schließtage werden den Eltern persönlich bekannt gegeben, um keine ungebetenen Gäste während der Schließtage anzulocken.
Foreign languages German (bilingual concept), French, Polish
Specially educational concept daily routine language education, nature education, partially open concept, Science/Project methods
Extras Barrier-free, care with lunch, full day care

Current information

We are participating in the Inclusion pilot project. All staff members are trained by the Forum for Early Childhood Education


Located in the district of Burg-Birkenhof, we are a kindergarten with a long tradition in a quiet location. Our new building offers modern care facilities on 2 floors with 3000 m² of outdoor area.

We care for children under three years of age (U 3) and children over three years of age (Ü 3) under one roof, but in separate areas.

In U 3 we work in a closed concept with 2 groups and in Ü 3 we offer a partially open concept with small reference groups.

We place special emphasis on movement, nature education, music and an explorative attitude.

We use high-quality play materials and consumables and pay attention to an appealing design of the rooms with a stimulating character and opportunities for retreat.

Our subject areas in Ü 3 are the workshop, the colour island, library, role play, research, building, gymnastics, bistro, garden and forest.

Every Friday, we sing and play with all the children in our assembly hall in the "Chörle" (singing circle).

We are certified as a House of Little Scientists

For children starting school, we offer cooperation with the primary school, a programme for children starting school and French on a voluntary basis.



In the morning, the children eat the breakfast they have brought with them in the bistro. There, they are looked after by an educator. Conversation groups and cheerful situations develop. The children rinse their plates independently and leave their place clean for the next child.

For birthdays, the children bring cake, ice cream or other treats for their celebration. Otherwise, sweets of all kinds stay at home.

We participate in the EU school fruit programme supported by the state of Baden Württemberg and offer organic fruit, which we either offer in an appetising way or prepare and process in offerings with the children.

Lunch is delivered freshly cooked daily by the company "Kinderleicht genießen". The order is placed online by the parents.

It consists of soup or salad, a main course and a dessert.

Table rituals, such as saying a common saying, using cutlery, staying seated, talking while listening to the other child or clearing the table, etc. are very important to us.



Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 09/10/2023 15:16:01)