Krippe "Am Freibad"

Krippe "Am Freibad"
Am Schwimmbad 34
35274 Kirchhain
Funding authority
Magistrat der Stadt Kirchhain
Am Markt 1
35274 Kirchhain
06422 8500153
Opening times7:00 AM - 5:00 PM o'clock
Closing days28 Schließtage während der hessischen Schulferien.

Genauere Termine sind zu finden unter:
Specially educational concept partially open concept, Situation orientated approach
Extras care with lunch, full day care

Current information


If you need help with the online portal for Kita Platz registration, you are welcome to contact Mr. Kirschning.

He is the contact person for families with a refugee background.


Mr. Johannes Kirschning

Department 5 - Family and Social Affairs

At the market 1

35274 Kirchhain

06422 808-178

06422 808-102

0173 3427493

Room: 20


Thursdays office hours

9:00 - 12:00 - Ukrainian refugees

12:30 -14:00 - for everyone


If you need help with the online portal for Kita Platz registration, you are welcome to contact Mr. Kirschning.

He is the contact person for families with a refugee background.


Mr. Johannes Kirschning

Department 5 - Family and Social Affairs

At the market 1

35274 Kirchhain

06422 808-178

06422 808-102

0173 3427493

Room: 20


Thursdays office hours

9:00 - 12:00 - Ukrainian refugees

12:30 -14:00 - for everyone

Outdoor Facilities

If you need help with the online portal for Kita Platz registration, you are welcome to contact Mr. Kirschning.

He is the contact person for families with a refugee background.


Mr. Johannes Kirschning

Department 5 - Family and Social Affairs

At the market 1

35274 Kirchhain

06422 808-178

06422 808-102

0173 3427493

Room: 20


Thursdays office hours

9:00 - 12:00 - Ukrainian refugees

12:30 -14:00 - for everyone

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 08/03/2024 11:21:07)

Offered care types at Jul 27, 2024:

Kind of carecount integrated places
 Krippe - Ganztagsplatz
0 Places
 Krippe - Ganztagsplatz
0 Places
 Krippe - Mittagsplatz
0 Places
 Krippe - Regelplatz
0 Places
 KiTa - Ganztagsplatz
0 Places
 KiTa - Mittagsplatz
0 Places
 KiTa - Regelplatz
0 Places


If you need help with the online portal for Kita Platz registration, you are welcome to contact Mr. Kirschning.

He is the contact person for families with a refugee background.


Mr. Johannes Kirschning

Department 5 - Family and Social Affairs

At the market 1

35274 Kirchhain

06422 808-178

06422 808-102

0173 3427493

Room: 20


Thursdays office hours

9:00 - 12:00 - Ukrainian refugees

12:30 -14:00 - for everyone

Additional Offerings

If you need help with the online portal for Kita Platz registration, you are welcome to contact Mr. Kirschning.

He is the contact person for families with a refugee background.


Mr. Johannes Kirschning

Department 5 - Family and Social Affairs

At the market 1

35274 Kirchhain

06422 808-178

06422 808-102

0173 3427493

Room: 20


Thursdays office hours

9:00 - 12:00 - Ukrainian refugees

12:30 -14:00 - for everyone


Quality Assurance

If you need help with the online portal for Kita Platz registration, you are welcome to contact Mr. Kirschning.

He is the contact person for families with a refugee background.


Mr. Johannes Kirschning

Department 5 - Family and Social Affairs

At the market 1

35274 Kirchhain

06422 808-178

06422 808-102

0173 3427493

Room: 20


Thursdays office hours

9:00 - 12:00 - Ukrainian refugees

12:30 -14:00 - for everyone


If you need help with the online portal for Kita Platz registration, you are welcome to contact Mr. Kirschning.

He is the contact person for families with a refugee background.


Mr. Johannes Kirschning

Department 5 - Family and Social Affairs

At the market 1

35274 Kirchhain

06422 808-178

06422 808-102

0173 3427493

Room: 20


Thursdays office hours

9:00 - 12:00 - Ukrainian refugees

12:30 -14:00 - for everyone

Teamwork with parents

If you need help with the online portal for Kita Platz registration, you are welcome to contact Mr. Kirschning.

He is the contact person for families with a refugee background.


Mr. Johannes Kirschning

Department 5 - Family and Social Affairs

At the market 1

35274 Kirchhain

06422 808-178

06422 808-102

0173 3427493

Room: 20


Thursdays office hours

9:00 - 12:00 - Ukrainian refugees

12:30 -14:00 - for everyone


Stärkung des Selbskonzeptes bereits im Kleinkindalter


Zu einer der wichtigsten Entwicklungsaufgaben des Kindes gehört es, sich ein Wissen über die eigene Person, die eigenen Kompetenzen und persönlichen Eigenschaften aufzubauen. Das Kind stellt sich in seinem Bildungs- und Entwicklungsverlauf z. B. folgende Fragen:

Was kann ich schon gut?

Werde ich von anderen akzeptiert und gemocht?

Bin ich ein Junge oder ein Mädchen?


Dem Kind sollte so viel, wie möglich Feedback über seine Handlungen und Fähigkeiten gegeben werden. Lob und Bestärkung haben einen direkten Einfluss auf die Selbstwahrnehmung und damit auch auf das Selbstkonzept von Kindern. Es lernt dadurch, dass es gut ist und Vertrauen in sich selbst haben kann

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 08/03/2024 11:21:07)


If you need help with the online portal for Kita Platz registration, you are welcome to contact Mr. Kirschning.

He is the contact person for families with a refugee background.


Mr. Johannes Kirschning

Department 5 - Family and Social Affairs

At the market 1

35274 Kirchhain

06422 808-178

06422 808-102

0173 3427493

Room: 20


Thursdays office hours

9:00 - 12:00 - Ukrainian refugees

12:30 -14:00 - for everyone

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 08/03/2024 11:21:07)


If you need help with the online portal for Kita Platz registration, you are welcome to contact Mr. Kirschning.

He is the contact person for families with a refugee background.


Mr. Johannes Kirschning

Department 5 - Family and Social Affairs

At the market 1

35274 Kirchhain

06422 808-178

06422 808-102

0173 3427493

Room: 20


Thursdays office hours

9:00 - 12:00 - Ukrainian refugees

12:30 -14:00 - for everyone

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 08/03/2024 11:21:07)

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