Evangelische Kindertagesstätte "Sternchen" Betziesdorf

2 Jahre bis Schuleintritt

Evangelische Kindertagesstätte "Sternchen" Betziesdorf
Kastanienstraße 8
35274 Kirchhain
Funding authority
Zweckverband evangelischer Kindertageseinrichtungen für Kinder im Kirchenkreis Kirchhain
Universitätsstraße 45
35037 Marburg
Opening times7:15 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysDie Öffnungszeit am Freitag weicht ab: 7:15 - 14:00Uhr.

Wir haben jährlich 28 Schließtage, aufgeteilt in:
1 Woche Osterferien, 3 Wochen Sommerferien und 1 Woche Weihnachtsferien. Sowie Konzeptions- und Brückentage.
Denomination evangelic
Specially educational concept partially open concept, Situation orientated approach
Extras care with lunch, full day care

Current information


The daycare centre Sternchen is an all-age facility with two groups of children and has 40 daycare places for children aged 2 to 6 years.  

Our house has three floors with different play and learning activities. A large outdoor area behind the house with sandbox, swings, climbing frame and a teepee invite you to play, romp and discover. In front of the house is a courtyard where vehicles are used. 

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 24/11/2022 08:09:35)

Offered care types at Jul 27, 2024:

Kind of carecount integrated places
 Altersgemische Gruppe - Ganztagsplatz
0 Places
 Altersgemische Gruppe - Regelplatz
0 Places


In our educational work, we are guided by the values and guidelines of the Christian image of man. Beyond the legal educational mandate, we bring the children closer to our Christian faith in the day-to-day life of the day care centre. In a child-friendly way, we also introduce the images and stories of faith to contents such as those expressed in the rites and festivals of the church.   

The children should experience everyday togetherness in an environment of trust, security, safety and acceptance and feel something of the power of the Christian faith in a community. Our day care centre is part of a community life through points of contact or joint activities between our institution and clubs and associations of the church community. Our day care centre has the task of accompanying and supporting children in their development. Parents are seen by us as educational partners. They have the opportunity to be heard and noticed in case of problems, questions, wishes and criticism and to receive help and support in their concerns. We want to work together in a spirit of partnership and mutual respect. Tolerance and respect are important to us.


Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 24/11/2022 08:09:35)

Description and Stations

The day care centre Sternchen is located in Betziesdorf, a district of Kirchhain, about 7km/ 9 minutes by car from the town centre of Kirchhain. 

Coming from Marburg, the village can be reached by bus (line 72) every 2 hours. The bus stop is about 2 minutes' walk away.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 24/11/2022 08:09:35)

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