Evangelische Kindertagesstätte "Regenbogenland" Großseelheim

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Evangelische Kindertagesstätte "Regenbogenland" Großseelheim
Am neuen Kindergarten 1
35274 Kirchhain
Funding authority
Zweckverband evangelischer Kindertageseinrichtungen für Kinder im Kirchenkreis Kirchhain
Universitätsstraße 45
35037 Marburg
06422 - 4755 (Herr Maximilian Ockel)
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Foreign languages German
Denomination evangelic
Specially educational concept nature education, partially open concept, Science/Project methods, Situation approach
Therapeutic support early advancement
Extras care with lunch, full day care

Current information


Welcome to the Ev. KiTa "Regenbogenland" Großseelheim!

Together with 13 other institutions in the church district, we are part of the "Association of Protestant Day Care Facilities for Children in the Church District of Kirchhain".

In our facility, we can provide childcare places for a total of 87 children aged one year to school entry. Divided into three "cross-age" groups for children from 2 years to school entry and a crèche group for children from 1 to 3 years, we offer a care offer from 07:00 – 16:00 from Monday to Friday in three different modules. In our facility, we work according to a "partially open concept", which enables the children to participate in their daily routine. In our daily work, whether in the form of project work or the day-to-day design of the pedagogical offer, we are guided by the situational approach. 

Our facility has a spacious, open and bright design, which offers plenty of space to unfold. In addition to the four group rooms, which have an open second floor in the form of a gallery, we also have the following rooms at our disposal: A large gym and exercise room, the large open corridor area with dining facilities, a small conservatory, our own library, a garden shed, a large project room and three group rooms with different focus functions (role playroom, creative room, construction room). Furthermore, the daycare center has a very large and spacious outdoor area, which offers a lot of natural terrain (climbing trees, bushes, hills and slopes) in addition to playground equipment. Adjacent to it, we have the opportunity to deal with farmland that is cultivated all year round and to observe the work there up close (nature and ecology that can be experienced)

In the Ev. KiTa Regenbogenland is cooked fresh on site every day by our kitchen team with regional food. This gives the children the opportunity to work with food in a self-effective way. 
Our team consists exclusively of specialists with relevant pedagogical training as well as some additional training such as curative education. Through the further education and training of colleagues to become practical guides/training officers, we as an institution are officially qualified to train pedagogical specialists in a practical way. Our daycare center is also QM-certified by the Regional Church and the Diakonisches Werk of Kurhessen-Waldeck

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 19/02/2025 09:20:03)