Die Evangelische Inklusive Kindertagesstättte "Das Nest" in Kleinseelheim ist eine dreigruppige
Address |
Evangelische Integrative Kindertagesstätte "Das Nest" Kleinseelheim Zum Sportplatz 9 35274 Kirchhain |
Funding authority |
Zweckverband evangelischer Kindertageseinrichtungen für Kinder im Kirchenkreis Kirchhain Universitätsstraße 45 35037 Marburg | | | | |
06422/1455 (Silvia Weigel) | |
Opening times | 7:15 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock |
Closing days | 28 |
Denomination | evangelic |
Specially educational concept | child oriented education, daily routine language education, inclusion, intercultural education, livebased approach, nature education, partially open concept, Emmi Pikler, Science/Project methods, Situation orientated approach |
Therapeutic support | Logopedia, speech therapy, Learning support, Hearing-impaired, occupational therapy, physical therapy, early advancement, disability, mentally handicapped, motopedics |
Extras | Barrier-free, Child care for physical education, Integrative facility, care with lunch, ergotherapy, for children with special educational needs, full day care, language education, scientific orientation (e.g. KidsgoMINT) |