Evangelische Integrative Kindertagesstätte "Das Nest" Kleinseelheim

Evangelische Integrative Kindertagesstätte "Das Nest" Kleinseelheim
Zum Sportplatz 9
35274 Kirchhain
Funding authority
Zweckverband evangelischer Kindertageseinrichtungen für Kinder im Kirchenkreis Kirchhain
Universitätsstraße 45
35037 Marburg
06422/1455 (Silvia Weigel)
Opening times7:15 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Closing days28
Denomination evangelic
Specially educational concept child oriented education, daily routine language education, inclusion, intercultural education, livebased approach, nature education, partially open concept, Emmi Pikler, Science/Project methods, Situation orientated approach
Therapeutic support Logopedia, speech therapy, Learning support, Hearing-impaired, occupational therapy, physical therapy, early advancement, disability, mentally handicapped, motopedics
Extras Barrier-free, Child care for physical education, Integrative facility, care with lunch, ergotherapy, for children with special educational needs, full day care, language education, scientific orientation (e.g. KidsgoMINT)


Die Evangelische Inklusive Kindertagesstättte "Das Nest" in Kleinseelheim ist eine dreigruppige 

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/03/2025 06:51:52)