Kommunale Kindertagesstätte Farbklecks

1-3 Jahre (Krippe), 2-7 Jahre (Kindergarten)

Kommunale Kindertagesstätte Farbklecks
Im Speiterling 10
75210 Keltern
Funding authority
Gemeinde Keltern
Weinbergstr. 9
75210 Keltern
07236/9824020 (Sabine Reister)
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:15 PM o'clock
Specially educational concept inclusion, partially open concept, Situation orientated approach
Extras care with lunch, full day care

Current information


KiFaMi (daycare centers focus on families - offers and activities for families), Tintenklecks-Treff (weekly meeting place for preschoolers), sports days, forest/meadow days, projects, prevention, language development (Kolibri), Kikom daycare app



Our rooms are bright and friendly and radiate a sense of security. In line with our color concept, you can tell which room you are entering from the doors. This gives children and parents orientation.

The 5 group rooms each have intensive rooms. Our "Café Klecks" offers plenty of space with a beautiful kitchen and a large dining area and enables the children to eat breakfast independently and help with cooking or baking thanks to low work surfaces. Lunch is also served there.

Our special features include the gym, which becomes a large room when the partition wall with “Café Klecks” is opened; the studio (painting and mud area); the small rainbow room, which is used for language development, among other things, and spacious checkroom areas, which the children also use for playing.



Outdoor Facilities

Outdoor area

Our large outdoor area includes an inner courtyard and a natural play area on several levels. On the level and paved courtyard area, the children can drive various vehicles, run on stilts, work at the workbench or draw with chalk. There is also our raised bed where we grow snack vegetables.

The natural play area on a slope with its sand/water area, slide, climbing frame and swings invites children to play in a variety of ways. We especially love our little "forest" with a slide, an adjoining carving circle and a small hut.

Daily Schedule


Verlängerte Öffnungszeiten (VÖ) 35 Stunden

Ganztagesbetreuung (GT) 45 Stunden




VÖ 07.00 Uhr - 14.00 Uhr

GT 07.00 Uhr - 16.15 Uhr (Montag-Donnerstag)

GT 07.00 Uhr - 15.00 Uhr (Freitag)



VÖ früh 07.00 Uhr - 14.00 Uhr

VÖ spät 08.00 Uhr - 15.00 Uhr

GT 07.00 Uhr - 16.15 Uhr (Montag-Donnerstag)

GT 07.00 Uhr - 15.00 Uhr (Freitag)




The children from all groups meet at the free breakfast in "Café Klecks". They are free to choose the time within a certain time frame; there is always an educator present. The crèche children have breakfast together in their group room at 9.15 am.

The children eat lunch together in small groups. It is delivered "home-made" by the organic catering company.

In the afternoon, we offer a snack for the GT children.

By collecting a contribution from parents, the parents' council makes it possible to provide fruit and vegetables for breakfast.

In addition, we receive "school fruit (fruit and vegetables) and school milk" (yoghurt, milk, cheese), funded by the state of Baden-Württemberg.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 23/01/2025 14:41:28)