Johanniter-Kindergarten "Naturmäuse"

Johanniter-Kindergarten "Naturmäuse"
Prälat-Meindl-Straße 41a
93309 Kelheim
Funding authority
Johanniter Unfall Hilfe e.V. Regionalverband Ostbayern
Wernberger Str. 1
93057 Regensburg
09441 1744110 (Naemi Archinal-Wagner)
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:30 PM o'clock
Foreign languages German
Denomination evangelic
Specially educational concept child oriented education, partially open concept
Extras Barrier-free, care with lunch, flexible care, full day care

Current information


Our kindergarten is a family-supplementing institution. Children are cared for from the age of 1 until they start school. The Johanniter Kindergarten in Kelheim is a 3-group facility. A maximum of 12 children can be cared for in the crèche group and a maximum of 25 children per group (a total of 50 kindergarten places) in the kindergarten. In our kindergarten with a total of 62 places, children with disabilities or special needs can also be cared for. 


Each of our rooms is child-friendly and individually furnished and divided into different educational areas. Thus, they offer opportunities for self-forming groups in free play and an atmosphere of security through retreat options.

There is a group room for each group. Several smaller rooms are available for educational offers. The children can also play in the corridor areas with cloakrooms and a multi-purpose hall offers space for exercise times. The facility also includes a kitchen, storage rooms, sanitary facilities, office and staff room.

Outdoor Facilities

The outdoor area is divided into a crèche area and an area for the older children. Of course, we "visit" each other. Each area offers many opportunities for outdoor exercise due to the generous space and the various playground equipment.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 01/08/2023 14:05:57)