Evangelisches Kinderhaus Tannenkirch

Kinderkrippe von 1-3, Kindergarten Altersmischung von 2-6, Schulkindbetreuung 1-4 Klasse

Evangelisches Kinderhaus Tannenkirch
Furtweg 22
79400 Kandern
Funding authority
Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Tannenkirch
Im Kirchacker 12
79400 Kandern
07626/7374 (Meyer Sonja)
Opening times7:15 AM - 4:30 PM o'clock
Closing daysWir haben insgesamt 25 Schließtag + 2-3 variable Schließtage für Planungstage und Teamtage
Foreign languages German
Denomination evangelic
Specially educational concept child oriented education, Froebel education, inclusion, livebased approach, Montessori education, Situation orientated approach
Extras Barrier-free, Integrative facility, care with lunch, cooperation facility, for children with special educational needs, full day care

Current information


The Tannenkirch Evangelical "Kinderhaus" is a child and youth welfare facility run by the Tannenkirch Evangelical Church Community.

In it, children from the districts of Feuerbach, Riedlingen, Holzen and Tannenkirch in the political community of Kandern are looked after from the ages of 1 to 10.

Kindergarten groups:

  • Bunny group (2-6 year olds)
  • Koala group (2-6 year olds)
  • Tiger group/inclusion group (3-6 year olds with up to max. 5 inclusion children)

Nativity group:

  • Bee group (1-3 year olds)


  • First class is located in the "Kinderhaus" for care period
  • Second to fourth classes are in a separate room during care at the Tannenkirch elementary school


Based on the Christian view of humanity, our concern is to promote, support and educate the development of the children entrusted to us in close cooperation with parents.

Together with the parents, raising children to become independent, self-reliant and socially responsible individuals is very important to us.


The children's house has a generous amount of space and a large, varied outdoor play area with an adjacent animal enclosure.


  • 4 group rooms
  • Gymnasium and exercise room
  • Painting studio
  • workroom
  • Ball playground
  • Breakfast room
  • Kitchen with dining area
  • bedrooms
  • 3 sanitary areas
  • large garden

Daily Schedule

Temporary opening times:

7:15 a.m.: The kindergarten early group is open

7:30 a.m.: All groups are open/Crèche is open

7:50 a.m.: Arrival for the children who come by bus from Feuerbach/Riedlingen and Holzen

9:00 a.m.: Morning circle in the groups/Procedure on forest days

From 9:15 a.m.: Breakfast, free play and targeted offers such as: gymnastics, creative design, viewing picture books, ball school, animal service, etc.

11:00 a.m.: Cleaning up, circle of chairs, possibly garden

11:30 a.m.: Meal time for children with lunch

From 12:15 p.m.: Pick-up time for children without lunch

12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.: Rest time

1:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.: Wake-up time for crèche children and sleeping children, pick-up time for crèches and possibly kindergarten children

Monday to Tuesday:

2:00 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.: Afternoon care begins for GT and RG children

4:00 p.m.- 4:30 p.m.: Pickup time

Wednesday :

2:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.: Afternoon care only for full-day children (GT)

Thursday and Friday:

The children’s home closes at 2 p.m.

A forest day takes place once a week in each group. 

A forest day takes place once a week in each group. A forest week takes place every season.

For those starting school, the cooperation also takes place once a week at the Tannenkirch elementary school.





Bring the children from home.


The children are provided with water/sparkling water and unsweetened tea


We offer a warm lunch from our food supplier "Apetito" every day for the VÖ and GT.

The menu is based on healthy, wholesome children's nutrition.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 26/01/2024 12:28:46)