Ev. Kindergarten Ortswiesenweg


In unserer Kindergartengruppe werden Kinder im Alter von 2,9 Jahren bis 7 Jahren betreut

Ev. Kindergarten Ortswiesenweg
Ortswiesenweg 24
73667 Kaisersbach
Funding authority
Evangelischer Kirchenbezirk Schorndorf
Burgstraße 57
73614 Schorndorf
Opening times7:30 AM - 1:30 PM o'clock
Closing daysIn den Sommerferien sind wir 3 Wochen am Stück geschlossen
Foreign languages German
Denomination evangelic
Specially educational concept Situation orientated approach

Current information


The Evangelischer Kindergarten Ortswiesenweg is one of two Protestant kindergartens in Kaisersbach. We work very closely with the Evangelischer Kindergarten Anwanden/Schule on planning and implementing our annual schedule, various projects, festivals, excursions and some educational activities.

The foundation of our educational work is the Christian view of humanity. Like Jesus, we place the children at the center of our work in the certainty that God loves all people. Children belong to God's worldwide family and have a right to independence and to develop their gifts and abilities. With us, children experience autonomy and unconditional acceptance, as well as security and social interaction.

We see ourselves as a complementary institution, as a place where children and their families can feel secure. Each child enriches us with their individuality and uniqueness. We as a kindergarten team live and learn with the children entrusted to us.

As an educational institution, integrated into the parish and the community, we stand for openness and transparency. Our educational work is based on the “Orientation Plan for Education and Upbringing” Baden Württemberg.


Built in 1972, the Ortswiesenweg kindergarten is a facility of the Protestant parish of Kaisersbach. It was extensively renovated in the summer of 2009 and now boasts spacious rooms and a cozy charm.

Our group room has large windows that provide plenty of light and serve as an exhibition area for some of the children's works. The works are created in our creative area, which borders on our construction corner. Here, children gain their first experience with statics and with different materials, further developing their hand-eye coordination and creativity.

The second level houses a doll corner and a costume corner, where children have the opportunity to immerse themselves in role-playing games and live out their fantasies.

In the adjoining room you will find our spacious construction corner and a tool bench. Here they can saw, hammer and drill.

In our movement room, also known as the jungle room, children can pursue their urge to move.

Outdoor Facilities

A spacious, natural garden invites all children to play, learn, romp and marvel at God's wonderful creation together.



We all enjoy having a snack together in the morning. Please provide your child with a snack, such as fruit, bread, yogurt, etc. in a lunch box for this purpose. Stored in a child's bag or backpack, it is always ready to hand for your child.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 22/11/2024 10:21:47)