Katholischer Kindergarten St. Josef Betra

ab 1 Jahr bis zum Schuleintritt

Katholischer Kindergarten St. Josef Betra
Kindergartenweg 12
72160 Horb am Neckar
Funding authority
Seelsorgeeinheit Empfingen - Dießener Tal
Postfach 1317
72373 Hechingen
07482/7282 (Leitung Hannah Hellstern)
Opening times7:30 AM - 2:30 PM o'clock
Closing daysca. 28 Tage im Jahr
Denomination roman catholic
Specially educational concept child oriented education, project approach, Situation approach
Extras Barrier-free, care with lunch, flexible care

Current information


Unser Kindergarten stellt sich vor

Wir sind eine zweigruppige Einrichtung

  • Sternengruppe (Kinder im Alter von 3-6 Jahren)
  • Marienkäfergruppe (Kinder im Alter von 1-3 Jahren)


Unser Kindergartenpersonal besteht aus fünf pädagogischen Fachkräften, die in Voll-und Teilzeit angestellt sind.

Zusammenarbeit mit den Eltern

Elternarbeit ist ein bedeutender Faktor in unserer Kindergartenarbeit. Der regelmäßige Austausch stellt u.a. dabei die Basis für jedes weitere Tun dar:

  • Tür-und Angelgespräche
  • Jährliches Entwicklungsgespräch
  • Informationselternabend
  • Elternabende mit Referenten
  • Monatliche Elternbriefe

Ziele unserer Kindergartenarbeit

  • Die Erziehung im Kindergarten ergänzt und unterstützt die Erziehung des Kindes in der Familie.
  • Wir nehmen Ihr Kind in seiner Ganzheit wahr, d.h. wir unterstützen und fördern es in seiner seelischen, körperlichen und geistigen Entwicklung.
  • "Jedes Kind ist einmalig!" Das Kind ist sich seiner Stärken bewusst und entwickelt ein gesundes Selbstvertrauen. Wir unterstützen die Kinder Beziehungen zu knüpfen und auszubauen.
  • Wir leben den christlichen Glauben. Jedes Kind soll erfahren, dass es von Gott geliebt und bejaht wird.

Diese werden erreicht durch

  • Regelmäßiges Beobachten und Aufgreifen der Stärken jedes Kindes
  • Gezielte Klein-und Großgruppenaktivitäten
  • Freispiel: Spielen und Lernen in einer vorbereiteten Umgebung auf den verschiedenen Entwicklungsstufen
  • Spiel im Garten
  • Wöchentliche Turnangebote
  • Erkunden des Waldes zu jeder Jahreszeit
  • Mitgestalten des Kirchenjahrs
  • Projektarbeit



Our large group rooms are bright and inviting thanks to a large glass front. In the star group, there is a large building corner with lots of play options such as knights' castles, animals, a large marble run, various vehicles, Lego bricks and much more. The doll's corner, which is separated by shelves, with its small kitchen and many play utensils such as dolls, clothes, make-up heads and various play foods, invites the children to engage in lively and exciting role-play. Due to the separation, the children can also withdraw there and enjoy a "private" game.
The large selection of puzzles, community games and games of skill brings the children together at the group tables and leaves room for new play partnerships.

The ladybird group offers toddlers lots of opportunities to play, discover and try things out. There is a raised doll's corner, which is located on a so-called second level. It contains a doll's bed, dolls, play food, a small kitchenette, a dressing table with a mirror and a small table which the children like to set and eat at. In the building corner there are cars, animals, games of skill, a railway and much more. Wooden elements hang on the wall of the building corner, which challenge and encourage the children's dexterity and concentration. There is also a painting table in the group room, which is equipped with various materials and a large mattress on which the children like to jump or lie. A small hammock hangs in the centre of the room, which is a little highlight for the children and promotes their sense of balance. Doll's prams, bobby cars and a seesaw elephant are also freely available to the children. Another special feature in our crèche are two large mirrors, which promote self-awareness and self-development.

Each of our group rooms has small adjoining rooms. In the star group, this is used as a studio where the children can express themselves creatively. With numerous materials on offer, the children can become artists and inventors freely and independently. The studio is also used to organise many specific activities in which the children can participate. The resulting works are then exhibited, hung up or sorted into their picture folders.
In the ladybird group, the adjoining room is a bedroom with cots, which are used as required. There is also a children's sofa and a book shelf. The children can use this room as a retreat and look at a book in peace or have it read to them.
There is a kitchen in both adjoining rooms, which is used for cooking activities.
To fulfil the children's natural urge to move, we have a large gymnastics room. Here the children can run and play. Large foam blocks, mats and various other materials support play in this room. There is a large climbing element attached to the wall where the children can let off steam. A wide variety of activities are also regularly organised in this room.

Our workroom, equipped with workbenches, is ideal for children who love crafts. Here they can work with wood and other materials using various tools. Trying out their own ideas and creative work is great fun for the children.

Our toilets are bright and child-friendly. With low toilets and washbasins, it is no problem for the children to use them on their own. There is also a special toilet for toddlers. The large and modern changing table can also be found in the children's washroom.

Outdoor Facilities

Unser großer Garten bietet den Kindern viel Raum und Möglichkeiten zum Spielen. Mit verschiedenen Schaukeln, einer Wippe, einer großen Rutsche, einem Sandkasten, einem Spielhaus und Klettergerüsten für Groß und Klein haben die Kinder eine große Auswahl an Spielmöglichkeiten.

Wir haben ebenfalls eine großes Spektrum an verschiedenen Fahrzeugen, Schaufeln, Eimern und vielem mehr.

Die Kinder haben durch die riesige Spielfläche die Möglichkeit, sich zurück zu ziehen oder den Platz für gemeinsame Spiele wie Fangen oder Verstecken zu nutzen.

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